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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs April 30-May 1, 2008
** CUBA. RHC was celebrating May Day, as well as its own official 47th anniversary, by keeping 9600 on the air past its usual 1300 closing, still going at 1307, and no 15370 instead. Nor any het from XEYU which must be gone again (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ECUADOR. HCJB`s Kulina service to a Brazilian tribe, 11920, April 30 at 2254 had missionary referring to Matéu Capítulo XXIII. Seems to have a preference for Matthew, and may be working his way thru this book, as last time I ran across it, April 5 as in DXLD 8-042, the reference was to Matthew XVIII. Checking Chapter 23, my favorite verses would be 15 and then 33.
Stop the presses! HCJB has finally started announcing its own frequencies correctly in Spanish. This is after years of announcing the wrong frequencies, and months of announcing no frequencies. Now, as promised, I must be satisfied. May 1 at 1259:30 on 11960, the automated ID gave website, and frequencies 11690, 21455 and 11960 in that strange order. Also audible on much weaker 11690 mixed with RTTY. 11960 also had a transmission break of several seconds at 1259. That`s when they change azimuth from 355 for Cuba, to 330 for Mexico (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GERMANY [non]. DW provides one of the best listenable signals in English, other than US gospel huxters, during the 2100 UT hour, and it isn`t even for us, but instead via Rwanda to West Africa. Wednesday April 30 after 2130 I was listening to Arts on the Air, concluding with an interview about conducting with Paavo Järvi of the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. Unfortunately I was tuned to the slightly stronger frequency 15205, which always cuts off rudely and abruptly at 2157, forcing me to quickly retune to // 11865 for the last 3 minutes of the program.
DW is as bad about this as Radio Australia at 1357 on 9580. If they can`t keep all their transmitters on air till the end of the broadcast, the program should have been produced to end 3 minutes earlier. Or at least a courtesy announcement on the early-closing frequency advising listeners to retune ASAP --- but they would still miss something, just as I did. Shortly before 2200, there was a rapid heavy SAH for a few seconds as the upcoming German transmission via Portugal overlapped on 11865, starting soon enough this time to hear the full ``Null Uhr`` time check (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KOREA NORTH. Unlike April 30, on May 1, VOK was just barely audible on 11710 (if that`s what it was) and consequently no sign of the spurs on 11644 and 11776, checked at 1304 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN [non]. May 1 at 1250 on 15170 via Costa Rica, another check of REE`s supposedly Basque-language news: after the opening ID it was entirely in Castilian once again, mainly about three bombs ETA allegedly exploded to celebrate May Day. Catalan also missing at 1255 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** VENEZUELA [non]. RNVCI via RHC, 11705, May 1 at 1300 was running late, giving years-out-of-date transmission schedule once again, proving that the announcers and producers in the Caracas studio pay no attention to their own shortwave broadcasts. This is not one of RHC`s better transmitters as there is some distortion, and in the final contact-info, words were cutting out. Ran until 1302* with a Windows logo and off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ZIMBABWE [non]. SW Radio Africa, 12035, April 30 at quick check 1832, woman with comments on how bad things are there, such as people being whipped with bicycle chains, murdered. Was that Gerry Jackson herself? Fair reception with fading, but had not been hearing at all for some time. Perhaps switch from Norway to Rampisham UK site has inadvertently helped reception here. Turned the radio back on at 2100, just in time to hear Yankee Doodle Dandy, VOA opening French on 12035 via São Tomé (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. As I was tuning across the 13 MHz band, May 1 at 1335, surprised to hear a good signal in French on 13640, but it vanished in a few seconds. Nothing listed here, but suspect Montsinéry was turned back on for a test or something, as it is scheduled two hours earlier, 1130-1200 to NAm, 250 kW, 320 degrees, in French (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
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