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[HCDX] Logs from NH-USA, week ending May 3rd.
- To: Cumbre DX <cumbredx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, DXLD <dxld@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, DXplorer <Dxplorer@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, HCDX <hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Gayle Van Horn <gaylemt@xxxxxxxxxx>, NASWAyg <NASWA@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Al Quaglieri <listenersnotebook@xxxxxxxxx>, shortwaveworld@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Mark Taylor <markokpik@xxxxxxx>, Dave Valko <djvalko@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [HCDX] Logs from NH-USA, week ending May 3rd.
- From: "Scott R. Barbour Jr." <srbjrswl@xxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 3 May 2008 17:03:40 -0700 (PDT)
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3390.2v, UNIDENTIFIED, 2340, Apr 28, Spanish. SP vocal mx noted under band noise; very weak. It's been years since I've heard anything on this frequency. (Barbour-NH)
5860, KUWAIT-? SRI LANKA?, IBB R. Farda, 0200-0212, May 1, listed Farsi. Crash start w/ presumed nx headlines, ID in passing at 0202 then usual format of pop-like mx b/w IDs. Poor-fair at best. Where does this originate from? Aoki lists Sri Lanka, DX Mix sked via A.Gupta posted at SW Central says Kuwait. (Barbour-NH)
9400, PHILIPPINES, FEBC Iba, 1235-1259, Apr 29, Mandarin. Lengthy talk by M ancr w/ brief break for W ancr over mx at 1246, choral mx at 1258 followed by presumed ID and talk at 1259. Fair at best. (Barbour-NH)
9430, PHILIPPINES, FEBC Bocaue, 1300-1315, Apr 29, Mandarin. Various ancrs shouting over mx bits; W ancr w/ light banter w/ M via remote. Fair/good. (Barbour-NH)
9555, RWANDA, FEBA Radio via Kigali, 1958-2012, May 3, Arabic. Music thru ToH, ancr at 2003 w/ ID in passing followed by mx & talk w/ various ancrs. Fair. (Barbour-NH)
9675, GERMANY, IBRA Radio via Nauen, 1941-2003, Apr 27, vernacular. Ancrs w/ talk & choral-like mx; contact info for Bamako, Mali at 1958, wailing vocals & drums at 2000 into whisper quiet ancr in diff. language. Fair w/ deep fades. (Barbour-NH)
9800, MONACO, TWR Europe, 0717-0732, Apr 27, English. Relg talk re missionary drivers, ballad at 0721into "live" relg service at 0724 thru BoH. Fair. (Barbour-NH)
13630, UZBEKISTAN, CVC via Tashkent, 1043-1059*, Apr 26, listed Hindi. Anncrs w/ banter & up-beat music, tentative ID in passing at 1049, presumed s/off ancment over jazz-like piano at 1057 followed by filler mx. Fair. (Barbour-NH)
Scott R. Barbour Jr. Intervale,NH-USA
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