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[HCDX] Log and Condx
- To: <cumbredx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <dxld@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <gaylevanhorn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Ivan_Lebedevsky" <lebedevskii@xxxxxxxxxx>, "Logs DSWCI Logs DSWCI Logs DSWCI" <logs@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Robert Wilkner" <rlcw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <wghauser@xxxxxxxxx>, "Shortwaveworld Shortwaveworld Shortwaveworld" <shortwaveworld@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [HCDX] Log and Condx
- From: <ka4prf@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Mon, 5 May 2008 10:28:33 +0100
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Peru, 4974.74, Radio Del Pacifico, 1000-1030 Sometimes I can hear a faint
signal of
audio whenever there's a fading in, but usually during the period, just the
carrier is audible.
For example, at 1024 music was heard briefly then it faded away. It is
interesting to
note that CODAR is not audible here, on most of the band between 4700 to
4950. Not
until around 4970 can it be heard once in awhile. Conditions are really bad
this morning.
(Chuck Bolland, May 5, 2008)
Clewiston, Florida
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