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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs May 7-8, 2008
** CHINA [and non]. May 7 before 1300 I noticed Firedrake making it thru somewhere around 15450, but did not pin it down; rechecked after 1300 it was gone.
But this prompted me to do a full bandscan to find as many FDs as possible, between 1306 and 1320. Here I`ll put them in reverse order, not the order found, nor am I going to try to research all their targets, but most of them are regulars, against VOA, RFA, BBC, Taiwan or Sound of Hope:
12040 11900 11785 11665 9845 9780 9680 9605 7445 7310 7105 6110 6095 6085 6030
That`s a total of 15. At 1342 also heard on 15285. At 1433 also on 9930, 9450. Some of them were alone as far as I could tell, others mixing in various proportions with stations in Chinese. Checked several Firedrakes on two receivers, and they were always // synchronized (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GERMANY [non]. DW Russian via Rampisham UK, 15420, May 7 at 1429, good signal in CNAm and still no place for WBCQ to be; this hour and more via UAE at 15-17 are still scheduled by DW to continue, unlike their Arabic after 1700, moving to 15445 from May 10. WBCQ plans to try 15420 again from May 12, but not clear during what hours (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PHILIPPINES. Lao-like language, May 8 at 1308 on 9625 with a low het, no doubt 70 Hz from off-frequency CBC. Close: per listings this is White Hmong from FEBC, Manila. More transmissions from here: see TIBET [non] (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SOUTH AFRICA. 15325, Wed May 7 at 1341-1341:30* alternating hi and lo tones every 6 seconds, which is the SENTECH Meyerton test/fill feed, with the transmitter apparently left on an extra 11 minutes after the conclusion of SSIRI scheduled at 1300-1330 M/W/F (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN [non]. REE Co-Official Language block was a bit off-timed, May 7, tho I did not tune in 15170 Costa Rica soon enough to hear how and when it started. 1249-1253 Gallego, 1253-1258 Basque but really in Castilian. There is some question whether the missing Catalan was supposed to be before these or after these, and whether the block is really supposed to air at 1240-1255 or 1245-1300.
One more check of the Co-Official [read: token] Languages segment on REE, Thu May 8 on 15170 via CR. Tuned in at 1241 and found Catalan underway, so did start at 1240; at 1245 to Galician, and 1250 Basque but really in Castilian, 1255 music fill. So that appears to be the real schedule; now if only they can get the Basque language itself back into the mix (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TIBET [non]. 11605, May 8 at 1258 with synthesized Asian music, 1300 ID in English as R. Free Asia, and into Tibetan service. Listened until 1303 but no sign of any jamming! SINPO 35443. Per Aoki this is Tinian at 309 degrees and it is certainly jammed, just not audible here, as higher-latitude paths were not propagating so well. BTW, at 1200-1229 it`s the Amdo dialect of Tibetan, 1229-1300 the Khams dialect, and 1300-1400 regular Tibetan. I wonder if the English IDs go into such details?
A station on 9890 with a solo vocalist accompanied by a rustic plucked instrument, May 8 at 1305 per Aoki also turns out to be Khams Tibetan from FEBC Bocaue, Philippines, 100 kW at 305 degrees, and not jammed.
On 31m the jammers had a better chance, but VOA Mandarin via Philippines on 9845 was still well over Firedrake at 1306; also at 1354 with chinese@xxxxxxxxxxx address. And VOA English from Philippines, 9760 at 1315 was VG, much better than heard in a long time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. With a little help from the sporadic E layer, Defunct Gene Scott was quite strong on WWCR 13845, May 7 at 1339, and one could clearly hear in the background The Power Hour from 7465, mixing at the transmitter site. (Is it caused by antenna proximity, transmitter proximity, or even in the studio audio consoles? Or some combination?)
In fact if DGS would pause for breath, one could easily understand the other program. However, when I went to 7465 itself, I could not hear any other audio mixing. As for the Es, at that time 15825 was still weak, but by 1430 recheck, it was very good as the MUF had risen. Still did not find any skip on VHF 54 MHz+ later this day (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ZAMBIA [and non]. May 8 at 1252, two stations mixing with SAH on 13590, not just 1Africa, CVC. According to EiBi there are two others stations at this time besides CVC: DW in French to NAf via Portugal, and VOR in Mandarin to FE via Novosibirsk. The two I was hearing most likely Portugal and Zambia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
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