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Re: [HCDX] Dxers Unlimited´s weekend edition 10-11 May 2008

Radio Habana Cuba
Dxers Unlimited
Dxers Unlimited's weekend for 10-11 May 2008
By Arnie Coro
radio amateur CO2KK

Hi amigos radioaficionados ! Welcome to the week end edition of Dxers Unlimited, the one and only fully integrated radio hobby program, covering each and every aspect of the wonderful world of radio... from hunting for DX using the most sophisticated crystal sets that are able to provide reception without using no power at all, to sending amateur radio signals on the 3 centimeters or ten gigaHertz band to the Moon and establishing a two way contact with another operator located half way around the world via the Moon bounce signals... In between these two extremes there is of course, casual short wave listening to international radio broadcasts, the way many of us learned for the first time about this nice hobby, and of add to those TV DX, FM broadcast band DX, home brewing radio receivers and transmitters or building and testing antennas... All in all, have a list of 83 different ways you and I enjoy radio... Now here one of them that I had yet to describe here in my show, it can be called extreme satellite TV Dxing, using very sensitive ultra low noise receivers and relatively large size parabolic antennas to pick broadcast satellites that are located very near the horizon or even below the horizon at your QTH, so they are not normally received at your particular location... By using a combination of the ultra sensitive receivers ultra low noise receivers LNB´s, the big oversize antennas and the extra help that may be provided by tropospheric ducting propagation, TV satellite Dxers have picked up signals that have amazed even those who designed the satellite's footprints.. As you may realize amigos, there are still many challenges to deal with, and every time a radio hobbyst faces one of them, many interesting things happen... Take for example, when many years ago,during the early nineteen twenties radio amateurs found out that so called short radio waves could be used for long distance communications, when professional radio engineers of that era as well as scientists had proclaimed that the short radio waves on frequencies higher than about 2 megaHertz or so should be given to amateurs as they were thought useful only for short distance communications... Ham radio operators proved that they were absolutely WRONG !!

Now here is item one of today's Dxers Unlimited's edition..It´s our popular YOU have questions and Arnie tries to answer them section of the program, this question was sent in actually in several different forms by several listeners... they all want yours truly to tell them how to deal with the now almost never ending solar minimum years....The typical question was : Arnie, you are insisting about the end of the solar cycle, mentioning during the your program that we are seen again and again many days with a spotless Sun... ZERO SUNSPOT COUNT !!! Now please, tell me and other radio hobby enthusiasts what can be done to face this extended period of extremely low
solar activity...
Well amigos, I'll be more than happy to provide you all with some ideas about how to deal with the now already with us solar minimum....officially proclaimed now as the longest lasting solar cycle in history…Yes, cycle 23 is now the longest lasting cycle ever registered… Stay tuned, as Dxers Unlimited's weekend edition continues... I am Arnie Coro, radio amateur CO2KK now also getting ready to deal with the SOLAR CYCLE number 23 ULTRA LONG MINIMUM... back with you in a few seconds...
Si amigos, Dxers Unlimited is a very practical radio hobby show... and all along its existence I have always tried to provide my listeners with the facts that will help you all to enjoy the hobby... Dealing creatively with the many , many, months of very low solar activity still ahead of us is today's program main topic... and I do hope that you can take notes, tape the program or read the script posted to the ODXA e-mail list, the Ontario DX Association YAHOO mail list that so successfully has provided its members with up to date radio hobby information SOLAR MINIMUM.... yes, you have heard that dreadful phrase more and more often as we approached it during the years 2006 and hit it hard on 2007 and now also during 2008, when scientists are said that a period of extremely low solar activity will continue to spoil HF propagation tremendously as solar cycle 23 comes to an end... But, first things first... don't think that one cycle comes abruptly to an end, and the next one starts at the flip of a switch... Solar cycle 23 is still winding down, and we have already seen the first sunspot groups of cycle 24... as the two cycles overlap for a period lasting many months... Cycle 23, the present one, was a higher than average one, but now scientists are forecasting that cycle 24 will be no match to the previous two cycles, but that's something yet to be seen... Now finally as promised, here is the answer to today's question sent to our ASK ARNIE section of Dxers Unlimited by a large number of listeners from all around the world... Here is ARNIE CORO´s RADIO HOBBYSTS STRATEGY TO DEAL WITH SOLAR MINIMUM !!!! First things first.... monitor the Sun's activity more precisely than ever, as during the solar minimum there are certain periods of higher activity that will provide you with nice Dx opportunities on the higher frequency bands..As a matter of fact, not too long ago we have just gone trough of those "active periods" during this extended solar minimum. So, rule number one of the game: MONITOR THE SUN on a daily basis and keep a record of the daily number of sunspots, the solar flux and information about
coronal holes...
Your solar records will help you plan in advance for any upcoming contest, as the Carrington solar rotation, the 27 days and forty one minutes that the Sun takes to rotate at its Equator will help you to forecast periods of lower or higher solar activity... NOW, second rule of the game: MONITOR the HF bands using the higher frequencies first approach, also known among experts as the downward sweep..

A receiver with a slow motion dial drive is ideal for this purpose, and it is second only to a HF spectrum analyzer connected to a wideband antenna system, a really broadband omnidirectional antenna system, equipment that is totally out of the question for normal people like you and I... Doing the downward spectrum sweep with a receiver connected to my 14 meters long Tilted Terminated Folded Dipole wideband omnidirectional antenna, will give you information about the highest frequency that is propagating at anytime... For example, Monday late evening local time here in Havana, it was actually about two o'clock in the morning, I ran a downward sweep starting at 21.5 megaHertz, and met with the first signals on the 25 meters international broadcast band, around 12 megaHertz...very weak signals, but they were surely DX and not groundwave.It was obvious that the maximum useable frequency curve was way down , something that led me to keep tuning down in frequency until I reached the 30 meters amateur band, where several very weak CW signals could be heard. Solar flux was at rock bottom level at that time... So, if you have not yet built your wideband TTFD short antenna for the frequency range between 7 and 35 megaHertz, it's about time to start collecting the materials and homebrewing one, as this antenna will be your number one aid to create your own propagation forecasts during solar minimum years...
More about how to deal with SOLAR MINIMUM as Dxers Unlimited's continues ...
Si amigos, solar minimum is here, but that doesn't mean that you have to shut down your radios and wait until the sunspots are back... Here is now Arnie Coro's number three tip for dealing with the solar minimum years... Build yourself a large sized magnetic loop antenna, capable of operating from 1.5 to 5 megaHertz.... If used for receive only applications, the magnetic loop may be tuned using a conventional receiving type variable capacitor... Why do I recommend the magnetic loop for the 1.5 to 5 megaHertz frequency range... well, because a lot of DX activity will be happening there during the long months when the sunspot count will be extremely low... A good friend of mine, with whom I discussed the strategy for the solar minimum years recently, said that he was getting ready to homebrew a five meters by five meters magnetic loop, using the fiberglass spreaders that are made for building cubical quad antennas for the amateur bands... He has already made a two by two meters square magnetic loop, using RG-213 coaxial cable for the antenna element with very good results...And he is looking forward on how to deal with the much heavier five by five meters version of the magnetic loop that he affirms will be able to tune down to the low end of the AM broadcast band, where Dx stations from Europe may be picked up clearly on split channel frequencies in the Americas during the solar minimum. Now rule number three: And this one applies only to amateur radio operators rule number three calls for calling CQ DX as much as possible , yes, calling CQ DX every time you have an opportunity...do it on 30, 40 and 80 meters as much as possible during your local evening hours and you will be surprised to see that calling CQ DX at three o'clock in the morning local time on an otherwise apparently almost dead 40 meters band , may bring in DX from halfway around the world, exactly as it happened to me on the low end of 40 meters band at exactly that time from Monday to Tuesday my local time, that was at 0700 UTC
Last but not least, if you are the happy owner of a lot of real state where to install long wire antennas, by all means try them ! A Beverage long wire terminated antenna three,four or five city blocks long, mounted on typical fence posts at about 2 meters above ground will bring incredible DX from the direction to where the termination of the antenna is looking at... Some low frequency Dxers, the guys that enjoy most the solar minimum years have installed not one, but several long wire terminated Beverage antennas in preparation for the very low solar activity expected during the next two years... Well amigos, I hope that this information on how to deal with the solar minimum years will be useful to you all, both newcomers and experts... the newcomers to the hobby will be seeing their first quiet Sun, and we the old timers are now remembering really lengthy periods of the quiet Sun as the one that happened during 1965...A year that was named by scientists the International Year of the Quiet Sun. AH... and before I forget... running a little higher power on your amateur radio transmitting equipment will also help to deal with the solar minimum.. Boosting your transmitter power from 10 Watts to 100 Watts, that is by 10 decibels will improve your chances of having nice two way contacts under a very weak
ionosphere ...
If you have any further questions or doubts about how to deal with the low sunspot counts coming ahead, send me an e-mail to inforhc@xxxxxxx, again, inforhc@xxxxxxx, or VIA AIR MAIL to Arnie Coro, Radio Havana Cuba, Havana, Cuba

And as always, I will be more than happy to answer your questions and make good use of your comments and ideas on how to improve Dxers Unlimited...
Well amigos, I hope that the information provided during today's Dxers Unlimited will be useful for you all... now , here is our exclusive and not copyrighted HF plus low band VHF propagation update and forecast... Nice sporadic E openings seen here in Havana on Thursday and Friday mornings... I picked up several TV channelsl 2, 3 and 4 stations using my 2 meters long VHF TTFD omnidirectional antenna... But unfortunately could not work any of the 6 meter band operators calling CQ DX, because at the time that the 50 megaHertz band opened up, I had to leave for a meeting at RHC !!! !!! Solar flux is at rock bottom levels of 66 units and the number of sunspots is ZERO... See you all at the midweek edition of Dxers Unlimited next Tuesday and Wednesday UTC days amigos, and don't forget to set aside a little time to send me feedback about today's program to by sending a postcard or letter to Arnie Coro, Radio Havana Cuba ; Havana, Cuba thanks to your help,future editions of Dxers Unlimited will hopefully be a bit better than this one !

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