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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs May 13-14, 2008
** AFGHANISTAN [non]. R. Solh, 17700 via Rampisham UK, finally audible here again May 13 after a long absence due to poor propagation. Only poor to fair signal with occasional peaks, and lots of fades, from tune-in 1332 with music; 1344-1346 talk, 1346-1349 the sticking CD, so quickly confirming they are STILL playing exactly the same defective recording as they have done every day since at least last fall! 1359-1400 a pause in modulation but no carrier break, 1400-1404 talk, but can it be news or just the same old propaganda announcements also duplicated daily? 1419 into familiar music I have recorded and uploaded before. Still trace of it at 1600 recheck, but quite poor. Can its reappearance be accounted for by SWPC numbers? Not really: for May 12, solar flux was 68; at 1200 May 13, K=1; at 1500, K=2. Repeat performance May 14 at 1332+ (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1408, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. Firedrake check, May 14 at 1314 found lots of the regulars such as 15285, but also some I had not noticed before, 15330, 15795 and even propagating on 17565, long path? Despite usual poor signals overall on 16m. Aoki has the answers: 15330 is BBC Uzbek via Cyprus during this semihour only. 15795 is All India Radio, Chinese via Bangalore at 1145-1315. 17565, however, is unaccounted for not only in Aoki, but Eibi, HFCC, and WRTH, so bears further investigation. Firedrake was also audible before 1300 on 14410 vs Sound of Hope (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** KOREA NORTH. VOK, 11710 in English to NAm, May 14 at 1322 was somewhat distorted and just strong enough to carry along with it the more distorted spur, which this time was centered between 11645 and 11646 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U K [non]. BBC Mundo Radio, via WHRI 9410, Wed May 14 at 1230 with Efemérides, a neat little show with clips from the BBC archives, this time about the 60th anniversary of Israel, the Spice Girls, the tragic downfall of Winnie Mandela, i.a., until 1234 when the classical music fill was introduced as ``Los Compositores e Intérpretes de Siempre --- Los Clásicos``, then a Puccini aria for starters from Madame Butterfly, as always, unannounced. Usual excellent signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WBCQ, which was still on 17495 May 12, was trying 15420 again May 13, first detected at 1408 underneath DW Russian via Rampisham, with distinctive monotonous intonations of New Mexico preacher which occupies great gobs of time on this transmitter, whatever the frequency. However, could no longer detect it by 1414, either off or losing the relative strength battle. Meanwhile, many other 19mb frequencies were open, including 15590, ex-KTBN, which is being reserved for the perpetually ``mañana`` WRNO reactivation.
Rechecked 15420 at 1559 after DW had finished, and weak WBCQ in the clear. BBC Seychelles is listed on 15420 still during this hour until 1700 at 280 degrees, but no sign of it here, which is normal. Probably in Europe it is dominating rather than WBCQ. Just like on 17495 the day before, flanking reduced carrier was USB modulation, but also some on LSB, not completely suppressed, in about the same proportion.
BTW, per HFCC, all WBCQ frequencies are on antenna azimuth of 245 degrees toward Laredo, make that Nuevo Laredo (not Tijuana as I first said), but not all are 50 kW --- 9330 shows as 100 kW. Like most SW stations, actual transmitter power in use is probably considerably less than nominal, and actual antenna lobes may differ considerably. 245 degree azimuth carries on just south of Invercargill, so the heirs of Arthur Cushen should have a good shot at hearing WBCQ.
Here`s the entry on the annotated WBCQ program schedule:
``Program IDs as "The Lord of the Spirit Radio Broadcast". Female speaker notable for monotone delivery of scriptural material. Usually six half-hour programs in three hours.(6/6/03)
Sunday, May 29, 2005, 1946: Global Spirit Proclamation, sio 444. Finally got an address and e-mail contact for this show: HR60, Box 11, Sence Lake, NM 87315, e-mail prophet@xxxxxxxxxxx``
As a little googling quickly shows, it`s FENCE LAKE, a very remote place in Cíbola county south of Gallup and Zuñi Pueblo, SW of El Morro, NW of Quemado where state hwy 36 makes a right angle. I believe I have driven thru there at least once without knowing it was the home of a major evangelical organization! Furthermore, the annotated ``17495`` sked shows this not starting until 1700, 7 days a week until 2100, and not even on the air before then except on Sundays from 1300 for The Zeph Report, so that is obviously outdated.
The question is now, whether WBCQ will stay on 15420 at 1400 (1300?)-2300 daily, perhaps later on Wednesdays and Fridays, and live with the QRM until 1600, as long as the prophet is paying for the extra time --- and how is reception in Fence Lake, anyway?
Checked again May 14: no trace of WBCQ or anything on 15420 before 1400, when BBC Russian via Rampisham came on. BBC Seychelles is on there before 1400 but not audible here. Listening carefully with BFO until 1417, could not detect WBCQ underneath, nor on 17495. Another check after 1500: still no sign of WBCQ on either frequency, despite BBC becoming much weaker on 15420 with switch to UAE site.
Second-nearest SW station to WBCQ, Sackville was as usual inbooming on 15220 before and after 1500 and also on 15240 after 1430.
Nearest SW station to WBCQ, WHRA, is scheduled on 15 and 17 MHz as follows, for comparison: 12-14 15710, 14-16 15195, 16-18 17520, 18-20 17690. Per WHR website, these all appear to be 7 days a week now. But no sign of 15195 at 1510 check!
We`ll see if WBCQ appears on 15420 later in the day, perhaps including WORLD OF RADIO at 2300 Wednesday (Glenn Hauser, OK, WORLD OF RADIO 1408, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WEWN, 17595, inbooming May 13 at 2108 with two OM discussing their lady, in English, with litely squealing transmitter. Not a trace of Spain`s Brazilian service underneath, unlike log a few days ago. WEWN was benefiting from sporadic E, as 15 and evenmoreso 17 MHz are normally in skipzone here only one megameter away. Yes, at 2117 Es started to show up on ch 2 TV, more than 3 times WEWN`s frequency, 55250 kHz.
KVOH, 17775, Los Ángeles, was also in well, May 13 at 2104 giving local P O Box address and introducing some música al estilo norteño and seemingly secular (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. The oscillating jammer again heard spreading to both 11635 and 11640, May 14 at 1324 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
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