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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs February 3-5
** CUBA. More network feed/frequency mixups at RHC, if their published
schedules are to be believed:
Sunday Feb 3 at 1440 found the Aló, Presidente service on unscheduled 12000
with one of the lead-up fill programs, Entre Cubanos; at 1440 said A,P would be
coming up in 20-25 minutes on 13680, 13750, 11670, 11875, 17705(?); at 1443,
12000 had Somos Jóvenes, // 11875, weak 11670. Meanwhile, at 1444, main RHC
separate musical program was axually heard in // on 11760, 11805, 13680, 13750.
1604 recheck, A,P was on 11670, 11875, 13750, 17750, but not audible on 13680.
Later Feb 3 at 2233, found RHC in Creole VG on 17705: must have been sporadic E
opening rather than weak F2 skip, and was // 9505 and 5965, the two scheduled
frequencies for the 2230 Creole service while 17705 is supposed to be in
Guarani! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. Wondering where Arnie Coro is, having missed new DXers Unlimited shows
the past few weeks? UT Feb 5 at 0630 I heard him on 11760 with a ``news
update``, phoned-in as usual. But was it really news? If so, hardly breaking
** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. R. Nacional, 6250, presumed, Feb 3 at 0705 in hilife
music; reported active lately (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO. XERTA, presumed, 4800, Feb 3 after 0700, music in quick check, heavy
CODAR QRM. Have not had much sign of this before, so maybe improved antenna
and/or power (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NEW ZEALAND. RNZI, 17675 analog, coming in well, Feb 4 at 2045 with report
about Maori activities, but transmittercut off in the middle of a sentence at
2050! In previous schedules, this has been a frequency change time, so figured
they were still doing it, with no regard for programming in progress, but
checking current schedule, not so, supposed to continue. I looked for 15720,
but nothing there either. When I got back to 17675 at 2055, a much weaker
signal was there, presumably RNZI. Transmitter problem? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX
** U S A [and non]. What`s not to like about Unshackled? Tue Feb 5 at 1332,
that show on a weak WWCR 15825 signal had some bubble-type jamming pulsing 4 or
5 times a second with frequency shift, also centered on 15825 (Glenn Hauser,
** VENEZUELA [non]. Aló, Presidente: see CUBA
UNIDENTIFIED. 11795, weak DRM signal centered here, 1337 Feb 5. Maybe HCJB
playing around, as no one sked here at this time, but they are at 23-24 only in
Portuguese (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
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