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[HCDX] Logs from NH-USA, Feb 3rd-5th
PAPUA NEW GUINEA, 3235, R. West New Britian,
1148-1205, Feb 5, presumed Tok Pisin. W ancr b/w
indigenous mx selections; lots of percussion/wind
instruments and "wailing" vocals, straight thru ToH.
Poor/fair at best. (Barbour-NH)
CHINA, 3280, presumed VO Pujiang, 1146-1202, Feb 3,
vernacular. Ancr in unid language; weak under band
noise; w/ occasional mx bits. Ballad at 1155. Pips at
ToH followed by ancr. Possibly // 4950; weak at
imagination level. Poor. (Barbour-NH)
PAPUA NEW GUINEA, 3905, R. New Ireland, 1206-1236, Feb
5, Tok Pisin. W ancr w/ news at t/in; bits of EG,
"...ecomonic...April...Sudan..." Indigenous
music/ballads from 1211 thru t/out, w/ W ancr b/w
selections; more EG bits at 1217, "..national...one
week...". Fair at t/in and holding steady, started to
fade around 1225. (Barbour-NH)
VATICAN CITY, 4005, R. Vaticana, 2217-2230, Feb 5,
Italian. M ancr w/ religous talk, ID at 2220. Chruch
bells followed by choral chanting/prayer until BoH.
Fair/poor. (Barbour-NH)
BOLIVIA, 4732, R.Universataria, 1045-1050, Feb 5,
Spanish. Nice vocal ballads w/ brief ancr at 1048.
Weak, fading in & out. (Barbour-NH)
CHINA, 4800, CNR1-CPBS Geermu, 2234-2245, Feb 4,
Mandarin. M & W w/ talk, presumed ad string at 2245.
Poo/fair under CODAR. Better on // 4460-Beijing.
BRAZIL, 4805, R. Difusora Manaus, 1035-1041, Feb 5,
Portuguese. Ad string, "Difusora" jingle ID's and M
ancr. Fair. (Barbour-NH)
PERU, 4835.4, R. Maranon, 1046-1101, Feb 4, Spanish. M
& W w/ talk, IDs in passing. Presumed ad strings b/w
more ancr talk. Announcement at ToH. Fair.
MALI, 5995, RTM, 2102-2136, Feb 5, French. M ancr w/
talk; occasional banter w/ diff M ancr. Talk via
phone/remote thru BoH. Poor/fair, choppy signal.
THAILAND, 6125, BBC-Nakon Sawan, 2145-2200, Feb 5,
English. Two M w/ interview re registration, ban of
some sort. Diff interview re US election. BBC promos
at ToH. Poor under huge adjacent/co-channel QRM.
ETHIOPIA, 7110, R. Ethiopia, 0404-0418, Feb 4,
vernacular. M ancr b/w HoA music. Prg intro at 0410 w/
M & W talk b/w musical bits. Fair, possible // 5990
at imagination level under band noise. (Barbour-NH)
MADAGASCAR, 7380, DW-Talata Volondry, 2204-2217, Feb
4, Indonesian. News re Obama & Hillary w/ EG
soundbites, ID. W ancr w/ news re African countries.
Fair at best. (Barbour-NH)
ZANZIBAR, 11735, RTZ, 2024-2100*, Feb 5, listed
Swahili. W ancr b/w very nice Hindi-like ballads. Wind
instrument at 2055 w/ presumed ID; tentative "Dar Es
Salaam"; definite "Zanzibar", followed by M w/ very
weak audio. Back to W ancr at 2058 w/ mention of
Zanzibar, NA at 2059. Fair. (Barbour-NH)
Scott R. Barbour Jr. Intervale,NH-USA
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