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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs February 10

** AFGHANISTAN [non]. An mp3 file of R. Solh music, 29 minutes, 6836 kb, 32
kbps, 22 kHz, recorded in late January at 1419-1459 UT on 15265 via UK, with
announcements removed, is now available for all to enjoy at
http://www.w4uvh.net/sohl0801.mp3 If anyone can identify any of the music,
please let us know as it would be nice to obtain CD quality recordings of it.
The second piece is partly in English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. Altho I was hearing R. Cairo via ABZ site on 6290 some minutes before
2400 UT Feb 9 as I tuned by, at 0005 Feb 10 I found a strong carrier, but
extremely weak and distorted modulation on 6225, nothing on 6290. 0000 is when
the Arabic service is scheduled to switch 6290 from ABZ to ABS site, the latter
with its terrible modulation, as we have noted before, and also with a
considerable overlap between the two sites. This time on 6225, there was some
yelling and applause, but the modulation so weak and distorted I could not even
be sure of language, let alone pull a definite ID, but circumstantially it
appears that Cairo has moved from 6290 to 6225 for the service after 0000,
which remains a total waste. We shall hear subsequently whether this was a
mistake, fluke, or permanent change (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO. R. Educación, 6185, 0001 Feb 10, sign-on as SW station XEPPM on
6185, with current date and time, power 10 kW, live announcement in Spanish,
and then the same in English --- a good time for monolinguals to DX them tho
they occasionally throw in English IDs elsewhen. It`s a shame they don`t put a
little more effort into some real English programming. 

Show following sounded like ``Su casa y otros viajes`` or was it ``carta`` but
neither makes much sense. Program schedule
http://www.radioeducacion.edu.mx/carta_programa.pdf does not match, just
showing ``RFI`` at 6 pm Saturday. Not clear if besides the sign-on, the SW
programming is partially or totally identical now to MW 1060 XEEP, but no sign
of a separate SW sked on the website.

Nor can I any longer find detailed playlists minute by minute they used to have
on website bookmarked at http://www.radioeducacion.edu.mx/HojaProg1.html nor
any trace of it on the site map, tho they have added a lot of text material and
the latest fad, podcasts. Maybe playlists are now for Registered Users only?
But no explanation of what benefits RU`s get! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

** VENEZUELA [non]. Sunday Feb 10 made my habitual check for ``Aló,
Presidente`` frequencies via Cuba, vs mainstream RHC programming. At 1426 found
the A,P lead-in show from RHC, ``Mundo Siete``, week in review, both on 11680
and 11670! 11670 was much weaker than 11680, and the two were out of synch, so
from two different transmitter sites. Meanwhile, 11875, which had been one of
the A,P Sunday-only channels, was missing, with only a weak WEWN audible.
Apparently, RHC finally got our message that the 14-15 hour was colliding with
WEWN and moved that transmitter to 11680. However, at 1514 recheck, 11875 was
on, after WEWN had left. I wonder if they announce such a frequency change
around 1500? A,P also on // 13750 very strong, making a reverb with 11680. Also
on 13680, but barely detectable in skirts of CRI via Sackville 13675. At 1456,
17750 was starting to fade in with WYFR dominating, trace of Cuba. 

Meanwhile, mainstream RHC was as usual on 11760, 11805 and 12000 around 1430,
closing around 1500; I noticed that 11805 was off the air before the others had

I was already hearing the blustery voice of Hugo Chávez Frías at 1435, so
apparently he was rarin` to go. His timezone change may have affected his
habitual startup time, tho it would logically be later in real time, not
earlier (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

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