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[HCDX] More on Tonight's WKDK DX test
- To: <bcdx@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <Phil_tekno@xxxxxxxxx>, <W8HDU@xxxxxxxx>, <wghauser@xxxxxxxxx>, <Hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <irca@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <Jds1@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <Jdstephens_99@xxxxxxxxx>, <jmiller5363@xxxxxxxxxx>, <editor@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <dougsmith@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <larryvanhorn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <plsBCBDXER@xxxxxxx>, <walkerbroadcasting@xxxxxxxxx>, <niel@xxxxxxxx>, <amdx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <gaylemt@xxxxxxxxxx>, <DX-midAMerica@xxxxxxxxx>, <schernos@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [HCDX] More on Tonight's WKDK DX test
- From: "Jim Pogue" <KH2AR@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sun, 10 Feb 2008 20:00:36 -0600
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A little additional info direct from the source.
-----Original Message-----
From: am-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:am-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of
Powell E. Way III W4OPW
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2008 6:36 PM
To: am@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [NRC-AM] Tonight's WKDK DX test
Don't forget the DX test. I plan to be live with
standard oldies format from 11:30 until midnight. I'll
run ID and ABC news, and WX after the news then the DX
test at 12:04 or 12:05. I will take phone calls at
(803) 276-2957. NO collect calls.
POP email is powell at backroads DOT net
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