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[HCDX] R. La Cruz del Sur on 4451KHz?

Time in the log below was wrong as 2230-2231, right is as follows:

4796KHz  Bolivia  R Mallku, Uyuni  02/12  SS  2220-2231  female talks alternating local pop music, "estay oiendo, R. Mallku". Partial readable  32232  (LOB-B).

I kept listening and recording 4451KHz as R. Cruz del Sur, BOL, then checking later this recordings, heard something readable as "R. Santana" or maybe "Guantana". Some two days before it, the Brazilian dxer Rogildo Aragao, who reside in Bolivia, informed me that on 4451KHz is R. Santa Ana, Santana de Yacuma, Beni  BOL. But the reason of so many mentions heard on 4451KHz of R. Cruz del Sur is now for me, unknowable. Below, link to audio file that contains male announcing "R. Santana" or maybe "R.Guantana".        very short audio file 98kbt, 8 seconds: http://geocities.yahoo.com.br/eefibra/r.lacruzdelsur.r.guantana4450khz0208.mp3


Lucio Otavio Bobrowiec

Embu SP Brasil (23 33  S, 46 51  W)

Sony ICF SW40

dipole 18m, 32m 

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