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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs February 27-28

** CHINA [and non]. Often all I hear on 9930 after 1400 is Firedrake, jamming
Sound of Hope via KWHR, but Feb 28 at 1412, SOH was axually audible in Chinese
well atop the FD music. Also checked 9930 a few minutes before 1400, and KWHR
was in Korean with no jamming. The K-index was elevated, greatly attenuating
higher-latitude paths to the east on higher bands, but Pacific below 10 MHz was
in well, e.g. also R. Australia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** PHILIPPINES. 7400, Feb 28 at 1417, tune of ``Red River Valley`` but
incongruously with Chinese lyrix, not including anything recognizable even
where ``RRV`` should appear, accompanied by ``authentic instrument`` as Peter
Schickele would say. Shortly into Chinese announcement, pop song, then
something more hymnic. Looked up later, this is FEBC, so no doubt there is a
religious subtext at least. Has the ``RRV`` tune been reset with totally
different lyrix, or does this try to preserve the original idea of the song?
Seems I have heard it before on non-English gospel huxter stations. Its
popularity in the FE may exceed that now in the USA! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX

** VENEZUELA [non]. Was somewhat startled to hear Spanish around 89.3 MHz on
the YB-400, Feb 27 at 2259 UT, quickly IDed as R. Nacional de Venezuela. Yes,
// 13680 and 15250, both very strong signals via Cuba. After opening in English
and Spanish, had English news until 2309, extremely literally translated. But
what was it doing on 89.3?? Must be a local mixing product. Which Enid FM
stations are 13.68 or 15.25 MHz away? 89.3 + 13.7 = 103.0, close to KOFM 103.1;
89.3 + 15.25 = 104.55, close to KEIF-LP 104.7 --- then slightly detuning to
89.4 I hear KEIF coming thru, so that seems to be the one. Unclear how this
comes about, just in the receiver, or some external mixing, or even the FM
transmitter somehow getting this very strong SW signal into its innards and
then out as AM parasitic the appropriate number of MHz away. Surprising that it
correlates with the low-power station; altho KEIF is somewhat closer, KOFM
ought to have much greater field strength here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

UNIDENTIFIED. 6074, 8GAL check on Feb 28: good thing I tuned in a bit early,
since the one-minute V/CQ marker was ending just before, rather than after the
1400 timesignal from Russia on 6075. First time I have heard it running one
minute early. The transition was so smooth that you would not know they were
from completely different sources: the pitch of the CW het against 6075 was the
same as the 1 kHz pitch of the time pips (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING

PROPAGATION. Despite this situation: Geophysical Alert Message #
Solar-terrestrial indices for 28 February follow. Solar flux 70 and estimated
mid-latitude A-Index 22. The mid-latitude K-index at 2100 UTC on 28 February
was 3 (34 nT). No space weather storms were observed for the past 24 hours. No
space weather storms are expected for the next 24 hours (SWPC via DXLD)

15, 12, 11 and 10 meters were open as far as Argentina the afternoon of Feb 28;

2111 on 21305, TI5/KG4UVU, in Costa Rica, pronouncing / as `stroke`, working US
stations. Sounded like contest work, only the basics, but maybe just warming up
for the weekend? I was checking around here just in case VP6DX Ducie was still
going after planned 2000* QRT, but not heard

2113 on 21290, LW9EOC, QRZ and working US stations; seems to have US accent in

2114 on 21270, a PY5, could not copy complete call and said he was about to QSY

2124 on 28500, LU8EOT, Mark contacting various US stations

2127 on 28360, TG9AWM in Guatemala City, much stronger signal than the SAms, in
Spanish, somewhat rough modulation, working a CX, Uruguay, later at 2131
calling CQDX in English

2135 on 27025 AM, heavy Jamaican accent, hard to understand, had a call
starting with L plus a letter and some numbers, always mentioned Jamaica, and
said `be gone` instead of over (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###

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