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Shiokaze (Sea Breeze) JAPAN 5985 kHz

Received f/d 'COMJAN' card in 16 days. No v/s. Details written in the blue ribbon loop area. 

First QSL received using the Eton E1; I am really impressed with this radio! I wish I still had the AOR 7030 to do a side-by-side with. As it is, it pretty much blows my Icom IC-718 transceiver out of the water using the same antennas. I actually used the E1 as the receiver in my QSO with the Ducie Is. DXpedition, VP6DX, on 17 meters. I used a Hustler 5BTV for receive and a trap dipole for transmit; the 5BTV won't load on 17 w/o mods, even using an LDG Autotuner, but receives just fine.

Terry Palmersheim, KC7LDP
Helena, MT
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