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[HCDX] March 14 Logs
**AUSTRALIA. 4835, ABC-Alice Springs, 2150-2210, March 13 & 14,
heard a very weak/threshold signal past two nights here. Announcers
with an Australian or British accent. Pop music. Too weak to catch an
ID but definitely // 4910-Tennant Creek with a very weak/threshold
signal also. (Brian Alexander, PA)
**CANADA. 6250, Radio Canada Int. via Sackville, 0104-0159*,
March 14, Spanish programming. Leapfrogging spur of 6100.
6100 leapfrogging over 6175-Voice of Vietnam via Sackville and
landing on 6250. 75 kHz separation between each frequency.
Reception varied from very weak to very good with deep fades.
Occasional rtty QRM. Not to be mistaken for Equatorial Guinea.
(Brian Alexander, PA)
**CANADA. 6390, Radio Japan via Sackville, 0203-0230, March 14,
Japanese programming. Leapfrogging spur of 5960. 5960 leapfrogging
over 6175-Voice or Vietnam via Sackville and landing on 6390.
215 kHz separation between each frequency. Poor to fair.
Also noticed 5960 programming bleeding into 6175. (Brian Alexander, PA)
**GABON. 4777, Radio Gabon, *0458-0510, March 14, sign on with
opening French announcements. No National Anthem tonight. Local
tribal music at 0459. News at 0500. Good. (Brian Alexander, PA)
**NORTH AMERICA. Pirate, 3429.63v, The Crystal Ship, 0140-0155,
March 14, pop/rock music. IDs. News at 0145. Announced power as
150 watts. Fair signal. Still here at 0412 check. (Brian Alexander, PA)
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