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[HCDX] March 29 Logs
**ETHIOPIA. 9560.73v, Radio Ethiopia? 2007-2037, March 29,
Tentative. Horn of Africa type music. No announcements heard.
Fair to good signal. Technical problems with audio on & off several
times leaving just an open carrier. Frequency moving around quite
a bit between 9560.73-9560.42. Perhaps just on the air testing
transmitter. (Brian Alexander, PA)
**HONDURAS. 3340, Radio Misiones Internacionales, 0532-0550,
March 29, English religious sermon with Spanish translations. Poor
to fair in t-storm static. (Brian Alexander, PA)
**INDONESIA. 11784.87, Voice of Indonesia, 1850-1859, March 29,
German talk. Local music. Weak. Poor. Covered by WHRA sign on
at 1859 on 11785. (Brian Alexander, PA)
**MADAGASCAR. 5010.0, RTV Malagasy, 2225-2230+, March 29,
Reduced Carrier USB. On late again with local music. Gone at
2255 check. No sign of Dominican Republic tonight. (Brian Alexander, PA)
**NORTH AMERICA. Pirate, 6925 USB, Radio Caroline relay,
0005-0051, March 29, British announcer. IDs. Blues music. Music
by Eddie Martin. Announcer said this was a relay of Radio Caroline.
Technical problems with transmitter on & off the air several times.
Fair to good signal. (Brian Alexander, PA)
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