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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs March 30
** AUSTRIA [non]. Ö1 relay via Sackville on new 13775 for A-08, 1500 in German,
1505 into English; ex-13675 at 1600. Very good (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING
** CANADA. CRI relay is back on summer frequency 15260, ex-15230, March 30 at
1328 in English, along with R. Sweden relay in Swedish still on 15240 but an
hour earlier. These two very strong produced much weaker mixing products on
15220 and 15280, which went off at 1329 when 15240 did.
RCI has finally made the change from 7310 to 7325, which was originally
expected two sesquiweeks of confusion earlier: March 30 at 1301, closing The
Message Beaver in Spanish, with some QRM under, unlikely Wantok Radio Light or
Mumbai tho I see nothing else listed. Anyway, RCI at 1105-1405 on 7325 now
blocks any slight chance of PNG during those two sesquihours (Glenn Hauser, OK,
** COSTA RICA. REE relay, Cariari de Pococí, March 30 at 1310 back on correct
frequency 9765 after several days on 9764, Spanish discussion about Brasil.
However, at 1319 found the // 11815 is the one now off-frequency! 11814.0,
hetting something on 11815, no doubt Japan; // 15170 remained on frequency.
At 1405 I noticed that 15170 modulation was cutting on and off, and so was the
carrier cutting on and off separately, until stayed on with open carrier. Back
to normal at 1446 recheck (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. RHC, March 30 at 1316 had quena and Andean vocal music on 11670; good
signal but poor audio like lo-level Internet feed, // 11760 and 11805 which had
slightly better audio and all were much better when the music stopped and
studio talk started. At 1323, when I paused on // 12000, program was ``Amigos
de Cuba``. The music may have been a crummy mp3 file someone sent in (Glenn
** CUBA [and non]. DentroCuban Jamming Command hasn`t caught up with A-08 yet
as R. Martí was in clear on reactivated 11845, March 30 at 1321; jamming
against nothing on 11930 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also USA:
** JAPAN [and non]. March 30 at 1313 heard NHK IS, fair signal on 11705, so I
wondered if there was a mixup at Sackville, but 1315 opened in Indonesian. This
is Yamata, 300 kW at 235 degrees. I hope this transmission ends at 1400 rather
than 1430 as in one schedule version, since otherwise it would collide with R.
Japan English to NAm via Sackville, which remains at 1400-1429 on 11705 (Glenn
** RWANDA. DW Hausa, 17800 via Kigali, 310 degrees, now one of the few decent
signals on 16m, until 1357* March 30 in Hausa; another being Gabon 17630 (Glenn
** U S A. WRMI is now supposed to be on 9955, 24 hours, ex-7385 at certain
hours, but presumably switching between NAm and SAm antennas as before
depending on language and programming. If you hear a US station on 7385 now,
it`s WHRI. However, 9955 had nothing but jamming at 1455 check March 30. The
1400-1600 block is mostly in English and mostly non-exile; scheduled at
1445-1500 Sundays is Harvest Time, hardly worth jamming, but hey, why not do it
anyway! In fact, the only exile program in the 14-16 block is the CDHD Brigade
2506 ? in English, Sundays at 1500-1515. I couldn`t bear to check at 1515
whether WORLD OF RADIO was also jammed, but even free of jamming, WRMI 9955 is
a marginal signal. Needs further checking in the 14-16 period, tho, when
presumably on NAm antenna, and couldn`t be worse at midday than 7385 was,
absorbed rather than propagating (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [non?]. The VOA Hausa service was heard very well again March 30 on
9605. Open carrier already on at 1454 mixing with weaker signal, something FE?
1502 recheck, program in progress. As reported before, this is listed as São
Tomé site, but I still find that very hard to believe, due to strong, steady
S9+22 signal, and nothing else from Africa on 31m at this hour. Instead,
suspect Greenville, perhaps a temporary backup. Furthermore, the 9605 SAO
scheduling applied only to B-07 but now it`s A-08, when this transmission is
supposed to be only on 11890, 11905 and 13750, which are São Tomé, São Tomé and
Botswana, respectively, not checked (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** VENEZUELA [non]. Checking for ``Aló, Presidente``, Sunday March 30: not sure
when it really starts now, but 13750 was on at 1450, VG with music // 11670
(which earlier had RHC programming: see CUBA). 11670 also had a SAH and some
weaker co-channel, which at 1459 turned out to be WYFR in Spanish, scheduled
14-16 at 222 degrees. May I suggest that it is never a good idea for Florida
and Cuba stations to be on the same frequency? Yet it`s not the only case, e.g.
6000 and 17750 at least in past season. At 1450 A,P also on 11875, but did not
find any other A,P channels on 13, 15 or 17 MHz, talking about the Cinco
Héroes, which has nothing to do with Venezuela, so probably RHC-produced runup
to A,P. Checked again at 1500 on 11875, the A,P frequencies were announced as
13680, 13750, 11670, 11875, 17750. Finally at 1503, 13680 joined in but much
weaker than 13750 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
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