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[HCDX] March 30-31 Logs
**CROATIA. 6165, Voice of Croatia, 0600-0604, March 30, short
4 minute English broadcast with news, sports & weather. IDs.
Schedule. Fair but with weak co-channel QRM. // 9470-via Germany-
very weak. (Brian Alexander, PA)
**IRAN. 7111.8v, VOIRI? 0135-0215, March 30, Tentative. Tune-in
to Koran followed by talk in unidentified language. Also heard next night,
March 31, at *0130-0228* on 7106.8v. Poor. Weak. Unstable, wobbly
carrier. Sounded like a typical unstable Iranian carrier. Slightly off
nominal 7105? No //s found. Not // 9480 or 7115. Possible switch to a
good transmitter at 0228 when 7105 popped on the air as soon as
7106.8v went off the air. See next log. (Brian Alexander, PA)
**IRAN. 7105, VOIRI, *0228-0245+, March 31, good, strong, stable
transmitter with lite music. National Anthem at 0230. Talk in unidentified
language. Koran at 0237. Weak // 6025 starting at 0228. This does not
match any schedule that I have seen. (Brian Alexander, PA)
**IRAN. 9495, Voice of Justice, *0129-0155+, March 31, National Anthem.
English ID announcements at 0131 followed by Koran. English news at
0139. Good signal. Very good on // 7235-but not on the air until 0134.
New frequencies. (Brian Alexander, PA)
**KOREA, NORTH. 7570.15, Voice of Korea, 2200-2210, March 30,
IS. Spanish IDs. National Anthem. Into Spanish programming at 2203.
Weak. Poor. Threshold signal on // 12015.13. (Brian Alexander, PA)
**NORTH AMERICA. Pirate, 3431.19, The Crystal Ship, 0010-0022,
March 31, rock music. ID. Contact information. Belfast, NY mail drop.
Said they were running 150 watts. Weak. Much stronger on // 6700.09.
(Brian Alexander, PA)
**PRIDNESTROVYE. 12135 NF, Radio PMR, 1615-1629, March 31,
IDs. English news about Moldova-Russian relations. Talk about local
history. French at 1629. Poor to fair with some QRM from AFRTS-
Key West, Florida on 12133.5 USB. (Brian Alexander, PA)
**THAILAND. 12120 NF, Radio Thailand, *0030-0055, March 31,
ex-12095. English news, commentary. Fair to good signal strength at
sign on but co-channel QRM from a slightly stronger rtty station.
Thailand slowly deteriorated to a very weak level under the strong
rtty signal by 0050. (Brian Alexander, PA)
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