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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs May 23, 2008
** ARGENTINA [and non]. May 23 at 2001 found a fluxuating subaudible heterodyne, every few seconds oscillating from 0 to maybe 10 Hz, which means at least one of the two transmitters here is unstable, and we bet it`s RAE, which at least has managed to almost match Morocco, a feat in itself. Just traces of French and Arabic audio, respectively. Earlier this week RAE was as much as 280 Hz low (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** BIAFRA [non]. V. of Biafra International, via WHRI, 17650, Friday May 23: excellent local-like signal, with only occasional quick deep fades to remind us the ionosphere is involved.
Main speaker is a very persuasive orator, and it was hard to tune away as he detailed all the charges against the vicious Nigerians. Mostly in English, but at times alternating with Ibo (or Igbo?), a tonal language.
2008 tune-in, was saying that Nigeria had killed 2,000 innocent people, just because they did not want to be Nigerians.
2015, ID in English and talk in Ibo, mentioning Fulani, Yoruba and 1976.
2017, full English ID mentioning origination in Washington, DC; call-and-response song.
2022, News Analysis. May 30, 1967 was the birth of Biafra due to genocide and the brutal prejudice of Nigeria, northern Nigerians in particular; alternating with Ibo. A million-man-march is called for this May 30 to celebrate the anniversary (so next week`s program should be even more interesting).
2035 ID with Washington DC again; Commentary about Nigerian savages, and how Biafra could eventually emerge stronger and free, like Israel, Ireland, France and South Africa. ``Biafra has come to stay``, ``Hail Biafra, the land of justice``. Biafrans all over the world in exile should celebrate independence on May 30, 2008 and display the green, black and red flag with a rising sun in the middle; there is a provisional Biafran government in exile.
2043 referred to ``Nigerian Islamo-Fascists``, (has he been inside the Beltway too long?) and several more comments of a pro-Christian nature. There is a peace march from somewhere to Enugu, May 22 to 30;
took a minute or two seemingly naming every town in Biafra.
2053 ``God Bless Africa`` anthem on flute, and more music to 2058* without any WHR ID.
According to FCC A-08 schedules, this transmission Fridays only at 20-21 on 17650, 250 kW at 87 degrees, will be switching to 15665 from June 1 to September 7, then back to 17650 for the rest of the season. Make that June 7 which will be the first Friday after June 1. Nothing about that heard on this week`s broadcast, nor found on their website, with lots of other info, topped by the flag as described:
The WHR online schedule shows for Angel 1:
2000 - 2100 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Fr VOBI Broadcasts Oguchi Nkwocha 17650
So Oguchi Nkwocha may or may not be the main orator; searching on this name at the biafraland website was unproductive (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** RWANDA. DW Kigali, 15205 in English at 2102 May 23, still with unstable frequency warbling slightly with BFO on, unnoticeable with BFO off (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN. I checked for XEYU May 23 at 1815 but nothing around 9600. Weak signal on 9600, May 23 at 1936 with song in Spanish repeating the word belísima, or was it morísima? Or was it Italian? Anyhow, one might think XEYU was back except this was on 9600.0, not 9599.3v, and a few minutes later an announcement in French. Faded down and gone by 1950. Looked up later, it`s REE which is in French M-F 19-20 on 9600 at 110 degrees. Beware, as this broadcast could also contain some Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. So much for a clear shot at Syria, which never made it here the last few days, not even a carrier on 9330. WBCQ, which shut down 9330 after losing Rod Hembree`s business, not only brought it back at 18-19 May 22, but Brother Scare to the rescue! He`s now on 9330, as heard May 23 at 1953, running about 3 seconds ahead of WWRB 9385. No Syria het even tho Turkey was in on 9460, and Greece weaker on 9420. Overcomer Ministry still going at 2105 with a drama, not B.S. himself at the moment.
Then I heard from Allan Weiner that BS has bought 24/7 hours on 9330 and then 5110: Seven days on 9330 at 1200-0100, on 5110 at 0100-1200.
Allan also says WORLD OF RADIO will not be back on 9330 or 5110 yet, just on 7415 as before, Thu 2330 and Mon 0415; and 15420, Wed 2100. 15420 was JBA here May 23 at 1959 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [non]. If you don`t get enough African music from VOA in English, the French service has a wildly enthusiastic DJ, as noted via Bonaire 17550, Friday May 23 at 2005 giving phone numbers and spelling out e-mail addresses, presumably of listeners wanting contacts. One sounded like cher-US-star, then some Mozambique music. VG signal here slightly out of the target area (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENNG DIGEST)
** U S A. VOA in French on 9830, May 23 at 2107 news, ID, mixing with constant RTTY. At 2100-2130 M-F this is São Tomé at 335 degrees; strangely enough, it`s half an hour earlier on Sat & Sun (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. Pastor Pete Peters, via WWCR 9980, May 23 at 2108 with hum, dead air, someone who can count to two making mike chex, feedback; 2110 PPP audible but off-mike, apparently a live outdoor event, inviting children to come forward and be taught how to sing something for a Sunday performance. 2112 a prayer but barely audible by non-deities despite huge signal; 2114 could barely hear the call but the response blasted in, ``Jesus Christ is king``. 2115, PPP is finally on-mike himself, and immediately offers prayer for the audio crew, ``send us tech-angels to help``. BTW, Laporte CO is not far from the May 22 tornado outbreaks, but no mention of that heard (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
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