[HCDX] Logs and QSL from NH-USA, week ending May 31st.
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[HCDX] Logs and QSL from NH-USA, week ending May 31st.

4716.7, BOLIVIA, R. Yura, 2346-0002, May 26, Spanish. Continuous SP mx audible under band QRN; poor. (Barbour-NH)

5100, UNIDENTIFIED, 0326-0341, May 29, vernacular. Snatches of M ancr in unidentified language; very weak under mild band QRN; lost the signal by t/out. Ethiopia perhaps? (Barbour-NH)

11650, N.MARIANAS ISLANDS, KFBS Marpi, 1035-1047, May 29, Russian. M ancr w/ talk over mx; ballad at 1040 followed by short instrumental version of "Jesus Christ Superstar" at 1045; W ancr thru t/out; fair at best. (Barbour-NH)

12085, RUSSIA, TWR-India via Novosibirsk, 0111-0130*, May 26, listed Nepali. M ancr in language; instrumental mx at 0126 followed by TWR contact info & "...nepali.in" URL; ID at 0129; filler mx until s/off; fair; tnx J. Ronda tip. (Barbour-NH)

13775, AUSTRALIA, CVC Darwin, 1109-1130, May 27, Mandarin. Various ancrs w/ ballads & CVC promos; ID in passing at BoH; fair-good. (Barbour-NH)

15400, AUSTRALIA, HCJB Kununurra, 1138-1200, May 27, listed Fujian/English. M ancr w/ ballads & talk; tentative EG URL at 1157 followed my M & W ancr until ToH mx; weak-poor. (Barbour-NH)


PHILLIPINES, 9400, FEBC, p/d "Sailing Vinta" cd & personal letter in 26 days for 2 IRCs. V/S, Menchie Marcos, QSL Secretary. (Barbour-NH)

Scott R. Barbour Jr. Intervale, NH-USA

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