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[HCDX] ZYs and Latvia
9530v BRAZIL R. Transmundial (pres.) OC at 1026, then soft rel. vcl mx by male chorus from *1028-1030. M anncr in PT and mx bridges to 1033. Rel.-sounding song then. M in definite PT at 1039. Weak and fady. Drifted up from 9529.9 to 9530.08 by 1038. Actually more readable on the E-1 than on the NRD-535D. (31 May)
11804.71 BRAZIL R. Globo 2315 getting mx, then definite PT tlk by M in slight echo at 2316. 2320 sounded like an ID w/definite ment of Brasil. Many live and canned anmnts prior to BoH, some shouting, and possible ID at 2328. Unfortunately there was a lot of local static noise. Still going at 2349 w/abt the same strength and noise. This is rarely heard these days. 11815 was pounding in. (31 May)
9290 LATVIA R. Victoria relay 1100 mx start, then brief anmnt by M and cont. mx. Never did improve and actually lost the carrier by 1130. (1 June)
73 Dave
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