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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs June 2-3, 2008
** ARGENTINA. RAE must have got its stolen feeder cable replaced, after being knocked off the air over the weekend, for June 2 at 2144 I heard a tango, and that would not be Morocco, then talk in German as scheduled this hour. Besides, the frequency was way off, 15343.9 or so; 2150 some Andean music for balance, 2159 IS and Japanese ID, then greeting listeners in Spanish, French, English, German (? fade), Portuguese, Italian, Arabic, Japanese. Finally at 2203 decided which language to stick with, Spanish, and opened with frequencies as 15345, 6060, address of studio, phone number, postal address, C.C. 555, 6000 WAS Buenos Aires --- that`s what it sounded like, but WRTH says C1000WAF, which sounds almost the same! e-mail rae @ radionacional.gov.ar Heard no het at all from Morocco which normally stays on until just after 2200, so RAE was fair and clear (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** AUSTRALIA [and non]. 13630, June 2 at 2133 came across Oz accent so assumed it was CRI, especially since they were giving quick weather info for various cities in Asia including Pyongyang, Seoul, Phnom Penh and even Siem Reap, M&W hosts conversing, played ``She`s Not There`` by The Zombies, 2137 stox including NASDAQ, so it must be the business-obsessed Chicom, especially since CRI is relayed by Mali on 13630 at this hour, right? Wrong: then mentioned radioaustralia.net so I look it up. Yes, RA is on 13630 Shep at 21-23, 65 degrees toward us, despite CRI via Mali also supposed to be on 13630 at 1930-2230, but no trace of it; anyway, that changes from English to French at 2130, per Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. Following up earlier item about RHC collision with RNZI DRM --- RHC is not in fact on 11680 in the local afternoons, nothing there at 2119 check June 2, so the collision of concern is only after 0300 when NZ DRM 11670-11675-11680 takes over from Kuwait, not vice versa as I implied in previous report (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CZECHIA. R. Prague, 11600 direct, with usual surprisingly good signal into NAm, June 2 at 2130 opening English with news primarily of that country. This is 310 degrees, 100 kW from Litomysl for Mexico, C&E USA, E Canada. Recheck at 2157 with French ID and starting transmission schedule in irrelevant French, but cut off the air before they could get into it. Good idea (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EGYPT [and non]. Big het on WEWN 11550, Monday June 2 at 2114 during relay of R. Vaticano in Spanish. Cairo`s European service is still colliding after several weeks of inaxion, and I bet it stays this way for the rest of A-08. Cairo was originally on the hi side of 11550, about 11550.1, but now it`s on the lo side, approximately 11549.5. It was very hard pull any audio from Egypt due to its own undermodulation, compared to WEWN`s normal modulation level. I did perceive a bit of ME music at 2114. The English sesquihour should have started at 2115; at 2125 I could tell a YL was speaking English, perhaps news. This intolerable situation continued past 2200, no doubt until Cairo closes around 2245 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SAUDI ARABIA. BSKSA, ``The Buzz``, 11915, June 2 at 2128, with no intelligible audio, but could only hear it spreading plus/minus 5, or maybe a kHz more to the hi side (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTNEING DIGEST)
** SERBIA [non]. IRS, 6190, June 2 at 2358 with IS in the clear, tho weak; this is worst time of year to try to reach very far into NAm from Europe so long before sunset on 49m. Hope it`s better to the east. Yes: Brian Alexander in Pennsylvania was listening at the same time and says it was very good there. But the Croatians have the right idea, using 9 MHz via Germany, inbooming here on 9925 at same time. June 3 at 0002 could tell 6190 had English news; some ACI from music on XEPPM 6185, but avoidable by sidetuning upward and certainly a great improvement over head-on collision which it was doing for the first two months of A-08 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. Further chex of WRMI 9955 on June 2: must be over midday-absorption hump, for at 1950 UT, reception had improved so that WRN programming in English was intelligible.
For those who would like to hear the stations lucky enough to get such a SW relay in NAm, without even asking for it, from http://www.wrn.org/listeners/schedules/schedule.php?ScheduleID=2
here is the schedule between 16 and 21 UT M-F:
1600 Radio New Zealand International: Korero Pacifica
1615 Vatican Radio
1630 Radio Slovakia International
1700 Polish Radio External Service
1730 Channel Africa: Africa Rise and Shine
1800 RTE Ireland "Drivetime"
1830 Radio Prague
1900 Radio Sweden
1930 Radio Australia
2000 Polish Radio
2030 KBS World Radio (Korea)
Checked again at 2107, ``welcome back to Overnight AM``, as if they were just coming back from a break instead of starting the show, talking about ``the paranormal community``; signal a bit better than in the morning, now hitting S9+20. So the refurbished NAm antenna (is it really still at 317 degrees?), seems to be a definite improvement. Listeners to the NW of Miami with decent equipment and motivation may be able to listen to WRMI programs without too much strain.
WRMI is scheduled to switch back to 160 degree antenna at 0000 UT so I retuned at 2357, but must have been too late, as not audible at all. With BFO engaged, about 15 seconds after 0000 heard weak carrier come on, but when I switched to AM it was obviously grinding from the DentroCuban Jamming Command, even tho WRMI is supposed to have English religion on at this hour, unworthy of jamming, or has that changed? Schedule grid at http://www.wrmi.net/images/wrmichart.xls still hasn`t been updated to show Overnight AM, M-F at 21-24, and the mostly Prague and DX shows of 22-24 shifted to 01-03, all of which happened a few weeks ago. Still nothing but jamming audible at 0006 when I gave up (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WHRI, tho scheduled at least from 1600 on Angel 6, 11785, was not to be heard before 2100, but it was on at 2127 check June 2, so perhaps came on at 2100. Also ran across WHRI on 9615, which is Angel 2, June 2 at 2211 when Peter Sumrall asserted he was standing in front of his TV station in Tulsa, KWHB-47,, ``here in Central Oklahoma``. The poor guy is not only religiously, but geographically challenged (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
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