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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs June 2, 2008
** ALGERIA [non]. RTA may have ceased the relay (tests?) via France, but still heard via VTC facilities, June 2 at 0528 with sermon in Arabic (not recitation), weak on 7150 Sines and barely audible on 7260 Skelton, but nothing on 7305 which was Issoudun (Glenn Hasuer, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA [and non]. Not only is RHC colliding with REE on 11680 at 0000-0200, but now Habanalog has QRDRM from RNZI which just started using 11670-11675-11680 at 0259-0458 and 1936-2050.
As an outlaw country, Cuba refuses to participate in HFCC, so RNZI may not have been aware of the collision in picking 11670-11680; and anyway, with Cuba aiming at SAm, this may not be a problem for RNZI in its Pacific target areas. But it sure is here. June 2 at 0416, RHC 11680 in Spanish was badly bothered by DRM buzz.
If RHC adheres to the sked as compiled by EiBi:
11680 1930-2000 Su CUB Radio Habana Cuba EO SAm
11680 2000-2030 CUB Radio Habana Cuba F SAm
11680 2030-2130 CUB Radio Habana Cuba E SAm
11680 2130-2200 CUB Radio Habana Cuba F SAm
11680 2300-0200 E Radio Exterior Espana S SAm
11680 0000-0500 CUB Radio Habana Cuba S SAm
We see that the collisions with RNZI are at 0259-0458, 2000-2050 (Sunday from 1936). But is 11680 really on at 1930/2200? It`s not on the RHC website sked
--- only at 0000-0500; still dated as expiring in March 2008, tho we know it has been updated since then, if not completely so.
BTW, per Aoki, Kuwait is also scheduled on 11675 in DRM until 0300, and then in analog from 0315; so it should be interesting to monitor around 0300 in both modes to see what happens, as in DRM 11675 goes from NZ to KUW:
11675 R.KUWAIT 2200-0300 1234567 Arabic(Digital) 150 350 Sulaibiyah KWT 4745E 2910N MOI a08
11675 R.KUWAIT 0315-0700 1234567 Arabic 500 350 Sulaibiyah KWT 4745E 2910N MOI a08
The DRM DX schedule also shows Kuwait active in Arabic to NAm until 0300, tho I rarely see it reported. Kuwait analog after 0315 could be a big problem for NZ DRM.
Another problem for RNZI DRM on 11670-11675-11680 could be North Korea which has a 22-hour-a-day transmission varying from 11677 to 11680, e.g. in EiBi: 11677 2000-1800 KRE KCBS Pyongyang K KRE k
On the subject of QRDRM to RHC, serves the damn jammers right, 6000 kHz also gets buzz from R. Australia Brandon 5990-5995-6000 at 1100-1200 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDONESIA. No sign of VOI on 9525 or 9526 at 1348 check June 2 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO [and non]. XEXQ, 6045, barely audible June 2 as late as 1302 with classical guitar, then YL ID, only a bit of which I could pull between static crashes and fades, ``Radio Universidad``. Their inverted-V antenna is reported to have been lowered to near ground level, accounting for much attenuated outsending. I was also hearing a very weak warbling het, making me wonder if some Korean clandestine is also on there now provoking such jamming. 6045 is one of Shiokaze`s alternatives in the local mornings, but the evening broadcast, recently on 6020, is an hour later (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NEW ZEALAND. RNZI DRM colliding with CUBA: q.v.
** SUDAN [non]. SSIRI, via Meyerton, S Africa, Monday June 2 at 1309 on 15390 with usual condescending English lessons, frequent 2-tone doorbell sounds, noticed at first because it was underneath open carrier and occasional tones, probably Greenville testing for much later Creole broadcast at 1630, but that went off shortly.
Then found more SSIRI on another new frequency via RSA, 15485, sounding like same show, but not //. Doesn`t this confuse the recipients? Did not try to figure out if same show but not synchronized, or two different episodes. Both of these are scheduled M/W/F only, at azimuths of 7 and 5 degrees, respectively, both to CIRAF 53W and 48. But zone 53 extends only as far north as Tanzania, nothing of Sudan, while 48 includes the eastern half of Sudan, including the southern tip (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. Unlike Sunday with Hmong Lao Radio, no sign of WHRI/Angel 6 on 11750, or 11785, Monday June 2 at 1315 check; but differing weekday skeds are de rigueur for them. Still nothing on either at 1724 recheck. As of June 2, the Angel 6 program schedule shows 11785 off the air for maintenance M-F at 1300-1600 but listed expendable LeSEA fill programs are also missing after that; and still claims to be using 11785 Sat/Sun 13-14 for HLR. BTW, without Cypress Creek on 11750, BBCWS, English via Thailand at 25 degrees, was audible poorly at 1349, and I recall it can be listenable on good FE mornings, so no doubt BBC would prefer to have it blocked in NAm. No such luck today (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. 15855 with open carrier and continuous squeal, typical for WEWN`s defective transmitter, June 2 at 1359 just before starting modulation (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [non]. Something in S Asian language, mentioning Bangladesh, fair on 15790, June 2 until abrupt 1359* in mid-word.
EiBi shows:
15790 1400-1500 USA VoA Radio Aap ki Dunyaa UR SAs /KWT
But this is a service which has just shifted one UT hour earlier due to DST in Pakistan, as in DXLD 8-066. Aoki already has it changed to:
15790 VOICE OF AMERICA 1300-1400 1234567 Urdu 250 70 Kuwait KWT 4741E2931N IBB (R Aap Ki Duniya) a08 Jun. 1
However, when the time changed on June 1, the site also changed from Kuwait to Sri Lanka (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. WRMI has done some work on the NW antenna at 317 degrees for 9955, and is testing it June 2 so I check for any improvement:
As usual before 1400, when on 160 degree antenna and/or in Spanish, nothing but DentroCuban jamming audible.
1408 tune-in, R. Prague relay, good in English, steady S9+17 but with periodic deep fades, quite readable. I would say this is an improvement, but still fighting high noise level on the band, at least around here. Contest promo in mailbag, later Letter from Prague, and music, so this is obviously the Sunday program played back on Monday. Firedrake and KWHR/Sound of Hope were stronger and clearer on 9930, while PPP on WWCR 9980 was as usual inblasting, and by 1428 was overloading the FRG-7 receiver with E/W longwire, even when tuned to 9955.
WRMI has improved, but the modulation isn`t up to the signal level. Needs audio processing to get the most out of what signal is available. Maybe this is not possible on the old Wilkinson ex-Clarín transmitter?
1429, R. Prague outro in English, more music, and I hoped that the totally out-of-place announcement of R. Prague`s complete transmission schedule in French had been deleted --- but no, they were just running a few minutes late as usual, for at 1431-1433 we got the IS and irrelevant French sked, contact info in French, but it was cut off before completed in the middle of the URL, at 1433 for WRMI half-minute ID. Idea: if R. Prague can`t get its act together and make the half-hour in English totally in English, why not do it for them, inserting an English transmission schedule announcement instead? Or leave it out to get back on time. 1433:30 Italian DX program.
Reception deteriorated slightly and steadily during the following semihour, probably more due to increasing daytime absorption than anything else. Judging from neighbor WYFR reception, WRMI would do much better on 11 MHz or higher during the daytime, but I suppose 9955 is the best compromise if only one frequency must be used 24 hours.
At 1500 a het appeared from a carrier on 9956, detracting further from WRMI reception. What could this be? Aoki already has the answer, which I had not noticed before:
9956 FAMILY RADIO 1500-1700 1234567 Russian 100 352 Tainan TWN 12038E 2311N WYFR a08
This is certainly not the frequency published in YFR`s A-08 Taiwan schedule as in DXLD 8-027, ``9955``. Why in the world did they shift one kHz? The signal is too weak here to be noticeable against WRMI if it were on 9955. At 1502 it sounded like a prayer in Spanish from WRMI, not sure how that got in there; ID, then 1503 DX Partyline. Recheck at 1608, WRMI weaker and unreadable, but the 9956 carrier was still detectable too, gone at 1724 recheck, as scheduled.
I at first thought the QRM must be KHBN Palau which is known to share 9955, and HFCC has it on the air at this time, instead of YFR/Taiwan. FCC May 6 update also shows KHBN on 9955 at 08-17. HFCC also has KHBN on 9955, not YFR/Taiwan on 9955 or 9956, so those going by HFCC may not be aware of it. EiBi May 29 update has neither KHBN nor YFR/Taiwan on 9955. There have been indications recently that KHBN/T8BZ listings include a lot of wooden registrations, so this may be another case of that (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. June 2 at 1328, 1350 and still at 1402 I was hearing a het between two weak carriers at approximately 17693 and slightly less than 17695, on more than one receiver. Reminded me of Sawt al-Amel, Libyan clandestine which used to jump around this area and along with it various types of jammers, but which has been gone since last year. Could not pull any audio, so would those further east please check. Nothing likely shown in Aoki or EiBi, altho HFCC has VOR on 17695 via `Armavir` at 1300-1500, 284 degrees to C&W Europe; what service would that be, if active? Doubtful, as it`s nowhere in the WRTH May update for VOR, or any other station at this hour (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
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