[HCDX] New Perseus Databases
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[HCDX] New Perseus Databases

Hello all,

a new version of the Perseus databases is available at

Included are the following updates:

Nagoya 03062008
KOJE 03062008
KOMEX 03062008
DXCP 30052008
Eibi 29052008
Niven 24032008
EMWG 21032008

KOJE and KOMEX have been updated completely by OM Tapio Kalmi from Finland. Both lists now show sunrise and sunset times for all transmitter locations as well as the distance to your own location. The same is true for MWList done by Günter Lorenz from Germany and the Brazilian DXCP by Marcelo Bedene. Tnx to all!

On the first page of the databases you now can submit your own coordinates which will be used for all lists that offer those result columns. The logsheet (last page) is based on the 0.7 version of Perseus_Log_and_Tuner by Wolfgang K. Meister, OE1MWW. A bug in the S-meter routine has been resolved.
All lists can control the Perseus receiver.

Have fun!

vy 73
Willi, DJ6JZ


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