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[HCDX] June 7 Logs
** DJIBOUTI. 4780, Radio Djibouti, *0259-0325, June 7, sign on with
National Anthem. Opening Arabic announcements at 0300. Koran at
0302. Local music at 0325. Poor with strong CODAR QRM.
(Brian Alexander, PA)
** EGYPT. 9250, Radio Wadi el-Nil, 2150-2201*, June 7, local Mid-East
music. Arabic talk. Koran at 2154. Talk at 2159. Anthem at 2200 & off
mid-song. Fair. (Brian Alexander, PA)
** SUDAN (non). via SLOVAKIA. 15650, Miraya FM Radio, 1509-1512,
June 7, Presumed with English news about Sudan. Arabic at 1511.
Poor in noisy conditions. (Brian Alexander, PA)
** UNIDENTIFIED. 15190, 1600-1700+, June 7, strong, badly distorted
FMing open carrier. No programming heard. Not heard at 1925 check.
Equatorial Guinea? (Brian Alexander, PA)
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