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[HCDX] logs
6019.44khz Radio Victoria,Lima Peru 21/6 0433utc Male talks in Spanish about spirtitus sanctus ,relig. program .ID as Victoria good clean signal 33333
6089.90khz Radio Nigeria, Kaduna Nigeria 21/6 0456utc Male singing in Hausa ,and african drum music fair 33222
9720khz Radio Victoria ,Lima Peru 21/6 0533utc Male praying in Spanish poor signal but good audio 23332
9675khz Radio Cancao Nova, Cachoeira Paulista Brazil 21/6 2149utc Holly songs with childeren relig. program in Portuguese good 33333
5952.47khz Em Pio XII,Siglo Viente Bolivia 21/6 2217utc Male talks in Spanish with childeren about the manjana good 33333
5980.57khz Radio Guarujà, Florianopolis SC Brazil 21/6 2231utc Male talks in Portuguese about the nacional de brazil fair 33222
6010.03khz Radio Inconfidencia,Belo Horizonte Brazil 21/6 2247utc Male crying in Portuguese goal......goal....goal....footballmatch in brazil fair 33222
6039.67khz Radio Club Paranaense,Curitiba Brazil 21/6 2306utc Male talks in Portuguese about brazil noisy and cw qrm 32222
6035.040khz La Voz Guaviare,Guaviare Colombia 21/6 2326utc Nice Spanish music + ID "La Voz " good 33333
5910.07khz Marfil Estéreo,Lomalinda Colombia 21/6 2347utc Colombian songs and ID good 43333
6160khz CKZN, St John s Canada 21/6 2358utc ID " This is CBC news " good 34333
6134.82khz Radio Santa Cruz ,Santa Cruz Bolivia 22/6 0014utc About the capital and the music in bolivia ,id as "santa cruz" fair 33222
RX: Perseus MFJ 1026 - MFJ 1020C and diff. antennas Proff. dbx 1215
Gr. Maurits Van Driessche Belgium
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