[HCDX] Log in Evening
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[HCDX] Log in Evening

Moldova, 7125, Russkoye Mezhownarodnoye Radio, Relay, 0015-0100 Noted a steady stream of Russian pop music and Russian comments from male and female persons. Full ID by man at 0051 as: "Russkoye Mezhownarodnoye Radio ...". Then comments from a female at 0052. This transmission is aimed at the USA, I suppose for Russian immigrants and me! Signal was armchair. This schedule continues until 0500 UTC. Thanks Wolfgang
Bueschel for the sked.  (Chuck Bolland, June 24, 2008)

Unid, 5955, Radio Republica, 0130-0200 Noted Spanish talk by various persons. At 0140 a male talks about Cuba and Soviet Union in Spanish. At 0155 plenty of ID's and an address in Miami to send mail. Signal was fair and off at 0200. (Chuck Bolland, June 24, 2008)

Bolivia, 5952.43, Radio Pio Doce, Pres, 0205-0215, Signal isn't very strong and was nil heard before when Radio Republica was on the air. Noted female in Spanish comments while splatter interferes with the copy. Our signal from Pio Doce was poor. (Chuck
Bolland, June 24, 2008)

Clewiston, Florida
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