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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs July 4, 2008
** AFGHANISTAN [non]. Have not heard Radio Solh, 17700 via Rampisham UK for some weeks, and still not hearing it at all on the main rig, FRG-7 with external E-W longwire, but for some reason it can become audible on the YB-400 normally clipped on to a much shorter wire inside the house. July 4 at 1320, music was audible mixed with usual announcements --- have they changed their playlist yet, or still exactly the same music as ever, day after day at exactly the same minutes? The latter, since at 1346-1349 the CD was still skipping/sticking! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ALASKA. Unlike July 3, when KNLS was on top, July 4 at 1253 on 9780, KNLS was underneath Firedrake, but could make out KNLS again announcing its complete English transmission schedule (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA. V. of Tibet must be on 17565 today, since Firedrake was audible under VOA carrier prior to 1400 Spanish sportscast, at 1355 July 4 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also ALASKA
** CUBA [and non]. Today`s RHC anomaly, July 4: Just as I tuned into 9550 at 1245, I heard one word, ``Habana`` and cut off the air, remained off for at least a few minutes. 9600 was still going OK, as well as the buzzy CRI relay on 9570. 9550 back on at 1347 recheck.
Jamming pulses against nothing on 9885, July 4 at 1252. This is a VOA Spanish frequency but only between 2300 and 0200, and only a fraxion of that is specifically for Cuba. This was also bothering ``Jesus Saves`` IS on 9890 at 1256 and Chinese ID as FEBC Manila was about to open Khams Tibetan, per Aoki schedule (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDONESIA. VOI again in English during the 1300 UT hour July 4, so seems to be a deliberate change in schedule. The old lineup was 1200 Japanese, 1300 Korean, 1400 Indonesian. I tuned in 9526 (no, not 9525), at 1240 and found Indonesian announcements and music, not Japanese. 1257 ID and IS in Indo with PO Box.
1258 already into English ID, ``Voice of Indonesia in Jakarta, the overseas service of RRI, on 9525, 11785, 15150, http://www.voi.co.id --- stay tuned``.
1259 English program summary, including, since I did not catch them all, News, Commentary, Today in History, Focus, Indonesian Wonders, Music for Now, and announcer gave today`s date, July 4.
1311 Commentary was titled ``Education --- the Right for All``. Text was soon apparent at http://www.voi.co.id/news/17/tahun/2008/bulan/07/tanggal/04/id/1561/
Signal was only fair but I could detect lite hum. 1313 Today in History about US Independence Day, thank you. 1315 Focus, on community health.
Since CRI 9525 was too much QRM from *1357, I could not tell what language VOI was in for the next hour, but maybe not Indonesian any more. When have Japanese and Korean gone?
No schedule at all found on the above website. So I tried to enter this message on their otherwise empty guestbook at
``Thank you VERY MUCH, for following my suggestions that you broadcast in English at 1300 UT, when we can hear VOI well in North America on 9526! As monitored July 3 and 4. But what is your new language schedule? This replaces Korean, and also I hear Indonesian instead of Japanese before 1300.``
I am not sure if it registered, as the response was red and only in Indonesian, even tho I correctly entered the code, twice, ``Kode tidak sama`` -- how come Indonesian, one of the world`s major languages, is not among the Google language translation tools? Not seen immediately when I ``view guestbook`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NETHERLANDS [non]. Not only is RNW interfering with RNZI on 9655 by an open carrier, but tone test too, as noted July 4 at 1250. SAH of 7 Hz, and RNZI barely audible underneath. This of course is the doing of IBB Tinang, Philippines, but can RNW and RNZI prevail upon them to crash-start as long as RNZI is using 9655 until 1300? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SPAIN. With so little audible on 13m these days, I was pleased to get at least weak signals from REE on 21610 and 21570, July 4 at 1356 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
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