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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs July 11, 2008
** FRANCE [non]. RFI Spanish service, 15515 via GUIANA FRENCH, July 11 at 1215 with a woman who was apparently one of the Colombian hostages released with Ingrid Betancourt, sending a message of hope to those still kidnapped because she knows they listen to RFI, and she`s now studying French at the Alliance. 1217 into Revista de Prensa; 1230* cut off a chanson in progress abruptly. Usual VG signal (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDONESIA. VOI, 9526, July 11 at 1159 ending Japanese service with ID, contact info, but apparently no English transition announcement, into Indonesian, only fair and declined to poor by 1300 recheck when English news was already in progress. VOI`s timing is clearly flexible (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NEW ZEALAND. RNZI back on correct 9615, July 11 at 0626 check, fair. Adrian Sainsbury says he`s not sure why they were on 6095 the night before. Also checking later on July 11: at 1155, 6165-6170-6175 in DRM just before that closed. 6170 should have opened at *1259 in analog, but nothing there at 1304; instead, 9655, which should have closed at 1259* was still on, 1305 news, 1308 sounder and ID. This was of course, mixing with RNW via Tinang, but atop RNW, with SAH of about 7 Hz, and as always at this hour, suffering from China/Sackville 9650. Serves RNW right for unnecessarily QRMing RNZI with carrier and tones before 1300. You never know what is going to happen next with RNZI frequency usage, unreliable as if their computer/automation system has a mind of its own (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** TURKEY. Something on 13760 atop RHC with a SAH of about 4 Hz, July 11 at 1322 --- O, it`s VOT as revealed by IS briefly at 1323, concluding German hour at 1230, 310 degrees from Emirler, which means it`s also aimed at NAm. So I then checked 13685 for English but IS was JBA at 1328 as this is aimed eastward (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U K [non]. BBC Mundo, via WHRI 9410, July 11 with Rachmaninov piano concerto cut off at 1300* before it was almost finished, a travesty. BBCM is still filling with repetitive classical music selexions, never identified, at 1234-1300* M/W/F, top 10 pop countdown on Tue/Thu. BTW, it appears the plan for B-08 is to move this service to 7335, blotting out CHU (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. VOA Spanish, 13790, July 11 at 1220 with news // 9535 and 7305, all Greenville, of course. 9535 by far the best; 13790 mixing over something else with a SAH, which would be either Iran in Arabic or more likely CRI in English via Urumqi (not Urumqui). It`s interesting to note the logjam of morning Spanish broadcasts from major stations all at 1200 --- VOA, RNW, BBC, RFI at least (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** WESTERN SAHARA [non]. RNRASD, 6300, July 11 from 0632-0655 mostly nice WAf music and some announcements. Did not notice any RHC spur mixing this time (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
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