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[HCDX] New logs with some important notices
http://zlgr.multiply.com/journal/item/162 (not the notices below )
As you might see the previous logs were made in Furka a point in W
Kassandra Chalkidiki
The previous days I have uploaded several interesting videos in Youtube
and my site showing snapshots from the beach of Fourka on this address
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mFYQ7F5c2Jg (Fourka beach )
and this is the country house
IN case someone wants to find out Fourka on google maps here it is:
and more info on the area:
FRANCE 7235 R Netherlands 1423 and then till 1700 s off with talks ,
reports and sporadic music . Lanbguage seems to me as Dutch . Though
was hearing (not listening ) the station for ca one and half hour could not
catch a clear ID
This is a NF started possibly less than 1 week signal is S7 Liangas Jul 8
and 9 th Retziki THS Greece
Thanks to DXLD 077 Wolfy's log , this is indeed special sports program
from RN coming from Issodoun
Too bad they are wiping out my favorite station
EQ GUINEA? 5005 Bata wit S5 mean signal and hilife songs. Low
modulation. FSK QRMer on 5002(sporadic and poor ) and 5006 (strong)
Liangas Jul 7th Retziki THS Greece
9280 Cairo? 0401 Arab talks with news about M East S20 Liangas 8+9
Jul Retziki THS Greece
Cland 8000 V of broad Masses: nothing for 8/7 , but S7 on 9/7 with Arabic
talks , horn of Africa songs . Moderate QRM in both sides. ON 10th with
signal 2-3 on 0355 but on 0403 with S6 and Arabic Liangas 8+9 + 10 Jul
Retziki THS Greece
VoA 4930 and 4960 head both days with S2 and S7 (8.7)/S1 and S5 (9.7)
respectively Liangas 8+9 Jul Retziki THS Greece
ETHIOPIA 7110 R Ethiopia 0402 in Amharic with folk songs talks by YL S5
9704.2 R Ethiopia again with talks in Amharic and music clips S5 max Both
Liangas 8 Jul Retziki THS Greece
NIgeria:15120 V of Nigeria 1745 with good signal S20 with program 16
minutes , mentioning the bank of Nigeria and the Nigeria Communications
Liangas Jul 7th Retziki THS Greece
Cland? 6600 at 2007 a signal S6 max , S3 mean . OM talking but lang is
difficult due to strong local noise 24132 Liangas Jul 7th Retziki THS Greece
KOREA N : 6250.4 Pyngyang Pangsong 1805 with operas with S9 , 43433 .
Nothing on 6398 Liangas Jul 10 Retziki THS Greece
Please read my aricle on SINPO at http://tinyurl.com/yt7qjd
http://zliangas.blogspot.com (radio tech , gadgets, grk ethics)
http://zlgr.stumbleupon.com (my social 'bookmarks' )
http://zlgr.multiply.com (radio monitoring site plus audio clips ) MAIN SITE
http://www.youtube.com/zach0gr some videos
http://www.worldisround.com/articles/302315/ (Litohoro) 321199/Tinos
http://www.flickr.com/photos/zachgr pictures upload
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece
greekdx @ otenet dot gr ---
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop
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