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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs July 20, 2008
** CHINA. Unusual propagation, July 20 at 1325 when Firedrake was audible on 17705, once again vs nothing listed unless it`s running late against AIR Chinese via Bangalore at 1145 ending at 1315 per Aoki. While 17680, CVC Chile, normally VG, was JBA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** GABON. ANO, 17630, July 20 at 1326, S9+15 on the FRG-7 meter, but quite undermodulated, which is fine since it was rap in French (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** SWEDEN [non]. Sveriges Radio via Sackville, 15240, July 20 at 1318 had a YL cabaret singer in English, and more of same a few minutes later after break for some talk in Swedish. How often do we hear any music on R. Sweden`s English service other than to fill out the half hour? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** VENEZUELA [non]. It was reported that ``Aló, Presidente`` had been suspended indefinitely as HCF is too busy to do it, so I was wondering whether Cuba would continue to broadcast that block from 1400 UT Sundays. Yes, July 20 at 1403 check in progress with intro, and 1404 RHC`s Mundo Siete program, best by far on 13750, // 13680, 11875, 11670. 13680 and 11670 were weakest and not synchronized. This programming is separate, not // daily RHC frequencies such as 9550, 11760, 11805, 12000, 15370. Recheck at 1631, all the former bunch still on in same relative positions, but not Chávez speaking. Re2check at 1901, all STILL on, and now it does sound like a live speech by Chávez, with applause. By now the fifth frequency 17750 was just barely audible, and 11670 had a 4 Hz SAH, probably DW in Arabic via Sines, Portugal at 100 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. 9500, sweep tones again running Sunday July 20 at 1250 check, and this time continued past 1300, still at 1307 until off about 1330. There are three tones, mid-hi-lo, and then an upward sweep, repeating and repeating, but not the same audio frequencies in consecutive iterations. This time I noticed that the transmission was spreading weakly as far down as 9465 and as far up as 9526, where different sounding sweeps could be heard weakly interfering with Indonesia (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
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