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[HCDX] TRT Turquoise Radio Competition
Dear Radio Listeners;
TRT have been preparing international competition as mentioned follows;
Here is TRT's announcement of its own web page www.trt.net.tr
"""(Following our first International Radio Competition last year, we have decided to organize yet another one in 2008, this time strictly devoted to the global climate change and/or environmental problems which have become the most important global problem. We believe that our eternal love radio can play a major role in terms of creating public awareness, and help finding solutions. As you will read below, this year, the participants will act as part of the jury as well, turning the Contributory Jury's proceedings into an active workshop.
The event will be organized by TRT with the cooperation of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) and the Asia-Pacific Broadcasting Union (ABU). )"""
Application form and competition regulations link is;
Mustafa Cankurt
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