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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs July 30-August 1, 2008
** AUSTRALIA. RA closed 9580 two minutes earlier than usual at 1355 August 1, cutting off ``All in the Mind`` show in progress, about genetic bases for homosexuality. Continued on weaker 9590. RA fails to coördinate its programming with its transmissions (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CHINA [and non]. BBCWS, in English, 9740 via Singapore at 1238 [not 238 as in DXLD 8-087] July 31 with co-channel QRM at about equal level in Chinese. Aoki reminds us that PBS Sichuan 1 began using this frequency May 15 after the quake, 24 hours a day. Are they still, or is this something else now? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** COLOMBIA. At 0045 July 31 on 5910 I heard only Marfil Estéreo with music and ID as soon as I tuned in, no sign of R. República as someone had reported. May have had some residual DentroCuban jamming; also utility tones intermittently as well as ``running water``. RR did use this frequency via Germany some months ago (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA [non]. At 2359 July 30 I reconfirmed that R. República was making a quick switch from 9515 to 9640, taking only a few seconds, but uncoördinated, interrupting programming in progress; both over jamming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also COLOMBIA
** CZECHIA [non]. R. Prague relay in English via WRMI, 9955, audible over/under lite jamming at 0607 July 31 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** INDONESIA. VOI presumed the het source just off 11785 way under Firedrake and VOA Chinese via Thailand, July 31 around 1315, and nothing audible on 9526. VOI sure knows how to ruin its chances of being heard anywhere. Same situation August 1 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** NEW ZEALAND. RNZI on the wrong frequency again: August 1 at 1330, no trace of 6170, tho RA 6020 was in very well, and even CKZU 6160 was audible. So checked 9655, supposed to close at 1300, and there were indeed two signals instead of one, no doubt RNZI prolonged, mixing with RNW via Tinang, SAH of about 6 Hz as usually heard before 1300 when IBB is already warming up 9655 and colliding with RNZI. 1357 check, still two signals on 9655, but RNW soon off. Always with heavy sidesplash from Sackville 9650. That took a brief break at 1359, allowing NZ-ish music alone to be heard on 9655, 1400 timesignal and news in English, could not catch ID but NZ accent and surely RNZI continued on wrong frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
UNIDENTIFIED. Cut numbers in MCW, extremely strong, centered on 5800, July 31 at 0602, but with continuous whine/squeal too, and bleeding all the way from 5775 to 5825, surely Cuba.
More cut numbers in Morse, surely Cuban spy station, August 1 at 1325 on 8096.5. It was hard to pin down the center frequency since the tones were 1 kHz. Altho the carrier did not go completely off between dits and dahs, the S-meter fluxuated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
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