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[HCDX] Jamming from Cuba
HCDX will publish anything from Arnie Coro (free speech in most countries), yet the Cuban stations continue to jam stations that offer any type of criticism against the government of Cuba. And yet Arnie continues to post negative things about Glenn Hauser, who has done more for the hobby of DX-listening and SW-listening and the free exchange of ideas than Sr. Coro, because the Cuban gov't. does not respect independent thought. I would argue that there is no place on HCDX for a person who works for a broadcaster that jams foreign broadcasts and tries to stop anything that does not agree with the Cuban government on a forum that promotes the free thoughts and input of everyone, regardless of the type of government that the country that they live in has, and only supports the party line of his government and won't offer anything related to our hobby unless it agrees with that party line. I do not listen to the station of any government that jams
broadcasts directed to that country, as the government of Cuba does so only with more vigor than that of the P.R. China, which is why I would never ever listen to Arnie's closed station. Stop the jamming, Arnie, and maybe someone would take you and your government seriously if you open up to ideas that are different from your dedicated propaganda. Until then, do not bother posting anything on any independent forum, for I will not take the time to pay any attention to them, and I believe the over-whelming majority of SWL's believe absolutley the same. Why should we listen to anything you or the output of Radio Habana Cuba have to say, when your government does anything it can to prevent any differing opinions to be broadcast to your country? Jamming is the only reason noone needs to take you seriously. Do not criticize anyone else until the jamming stops, Sr. Coro. You need to take a long look in the mirror before you criticize Mr Hauser.
You only say what your government allows you to say, yet Mr. Hauser will say whatever he wants about any country, including the one he lives in, which could never happen under your close-minded friends, Sr. Coro. Stop the jamming, Sr. Coro, or do not bother contributing to any forum outside of your closed country.
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