[HCDX] Aug 28-29 Logs
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[HCDX] Aug 28-29 Logs

** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 5005, Radio Nacional, Bata, 2240-2301*,
Aug 28,  Afro-pop music. Hi-life music. Spanish announcements at 2256.
National Anthem  at 2259. Weak at tune-in but improved to a fair level
by sign off. (Brian  Alexander, PA) 
** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 6250, Radio Nacional, Malabo, 0507-0525,
Aug 29,  tune-in to National Anthem at 0507. Spanish announcements 
at 0508. Afro-pops  at 0510. Poor to fair with occasional ute QRM. 
Also heard Radio Nacional  5005 with separate programming at 0517 
tune-in. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** ETHIOPIA. 7165.00, Voice of Peace & Democracy, via Radio  
Ethiopia transmitters to Eritrea, 0400-0430*, Aug 29, Presumed. 
Opening  announcements at 0400 & talk in listed Tigringa. Local drums. 
Some Horn  of Africa music. Poor with QRM from noise jammer at 0401.
Better on //  9559.63v-drifting up to 9559.97 by sign off. 
According to WRTH this is Mon,  Wed, Friday only at 0400-0430. 
(Brian Alexander, PA) 
**  JAPAN. 6055, Radio Nikkei, 1025-1040+, Aug 29, Japanese
talk.  Brief English phrases. Radio-drama. Poor to fair. Threshold
copy on // 3925.  (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** PERU. 6019.43, Radio Victoria, Lima, 0440-0507, Aug 29, Spanish  
preacher. Spanish announcements. Government mandated National 
Anthem at  0502. Spanish announcements at 0504 & Spanish ballads.
Poor. Difficult  copy with CRI via Sackville on 6020. In the clear but
weaker on // 9719.97.  (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** SLOVAKIA. 15650, IRRS, 1502-1545, Aug 29, tune-in to English 
news.  IRRS ID at 1504 & into lite instrumental music. Program at 
1515-1545  about medicine & drug development. Poor in noisy conditions. 
Lost in  noise at 1545. Looking for Miraya 101 FM but only hear the 
normal IRRS  English programming. (Brian Alexander, PA) 
** U.S.A. 4910, WWCR Spur, 0005-0025+, Aug 29, very weak mixing 
product  of 5070 & 9980. // 9980 with English religious talk. 
9980 - 5070 = 4910.  (Brian Alexander, PA) 

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