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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 5-6, 2008
** BOLIVIA. R. Santa Cruz continues to be the easiest Bolivian, 6134.8 or so making het pitch with something much weaker on 6135.0 very close to what CFRX makes with CVC, as I was checking 6070 also at 2350 Sept 5. At 2357, 6134.8 was mentioning Santa Cruz, Bolivia, programa del Instituto Radiofónico Fé y Alegría. But marred by a bonker around the same frequency. At least R. República is currently away on 31m (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CANADA. CFRX check, Sept 5 at 2350, big het between it on 6069.8 and CVC Chile on 6070.0, the two at about equal level. At first CVC was dominating, but at 0000, TC, ID and CFRB News was atop for the moment. A deep notch would help but how many SWLs have that? Intolerable clash caused by people who don`t understand how to do shortwave. Since CFRX is incapable of moving even 200 Hz, so far, they (we?) should try to persuade CVC to move, as they certainly have the flexibility to do so. If they want to move as little as possible, it looks like the easy way out would be for CVC to shift to 6065, which is not used by anything in the Western Hemisphere all night, but their own Zambian outlet starts at 0600, so Chile could use it at least until then, and CFRX could be clear in the local evenings (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** CUBA. Tho it had been missing the last few nites, RHC 6180 was back Sept 5-6, with open carrier from tune-in 2350, and IS, sign-on 2358. The frequencies announced at 0000, when I was listening to 6060, were: 13760, 11760, 11680, 9550, 9600, 5965, 6000, 6060, 6140 and 6180, in that strange Moscow-style order. Yes, 6140 also on for one hour in Spanish before it goes into English (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MEXICO [and non]. Checking XEPPM, 6185, Sept 5 at 2350, there was a rumbling SAH with R. Nacional Amazônia, BRAZIL, which was on top. Later on Sept 6 around 0255, non-Spanish, non-Portuguese was on top, presumably Vatican. So R. Educación really needs to stay on all night when the frequency is clearer (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. WBOH, 5920, I noticed was already in Spanish at 0004 check UT Sat Sept 6, as their own schedule has conflicting info about the Spanish timings (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
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