Re: [HCDX] Brother Stair comforts New Orleans
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Re: [HCDX] Brother Stair comforts New Orleans

R.G. Stair should be sitting in a prison cell instead of puking out his
dogma on shortwave radio. Didn't he have some alleged legal issues with underaged girls a while back? Sorry for the strong opinion but I have no use for such folk that use God as a beard for their vile acts.
Fritze, KC5KBV
Star City, AR
Grid: EM43aw

Fritze, you would be correct. He is a convicted child molester. His gospel he preaches is the gospel of 'Me first'. The little girl was a member of his compound there in SC. BUT, he is no different, nor any better, than the rest of the so-called preachers on Trinty Broadcasting, TV or radio or short-wave. What I can not understand is how people are so fooled by these crooks?

Willis, K4APE
Old Fort, TN
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