[HCDX] thur evening DX
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[HCDX] thur evening DX

Nigeria, 15120, Voice of Nigeria, 2046-2100 Noted a female in program called, "News about Nigeria" which was obviously news of Nigeria. At 2049 financial news presented by a male. This type of programming continue until 2100 when station went off the air. (Chuck Bolland
September 11, 2008)

Peru, 6019.46, Radio Victoria, 2324-2359 Noted steady Spanish language comments from a male and later a couple of females. Signal went from threshold to fair by 2334; but still plenty of splatter and junk getting in the way. (Chuck Bolland, September 11, 2008)

Bolivia, 6134.81, Radio Santa Cruz, 2343-2359 Noted a female in Spanish language comments as she talks to another female on the telephone. At 2345 a male starts to talk. There's an automatic signal causing interference on the freq. I don't know if it's a harmonic, spur or what, but it's eating up the audio. Occasionally Radio Santa Cruz fades in to a good level, but generally we are listening to a poor signal. (Chuck
Bolland, September 11, 2008)

United States, 5446.50, FAN Radio, (Key West), 2350-2355 A program describing "laptop" computers in the class room. Signal was good. (Chuck Bolland, September 11, 2008)

India, 4840, All India Radio, 2354-0005(Mumbai) Noted an Interval Signal prior to the hour. At 2355 Hindi singing by a male chorus. The singing only last for a few seconds, then a female talks. This isn't much of a signal. Probably tagging it as threshold is an exaggeration. At 2358 a wind instrument of some kind is played. The AOKI database
(http://www.orchidcitysoftware.com/IMAGE59.HTML) says that Mumbai comes on
the air at 2355 which would correspond to what I heard here. The Passport says that 0015 is the on the air time. So we are at a quandary situation. I had a hard day, so I'll just leave
it as it is.  (Chuck Bolland, September 11, 2008)

Clewiston, Florida

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