[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 12, 2008
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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs September 12, 2008

** AUSTRALIA. RA, 11660, 2129 Sept 12 going from ``Saturday AM`` show to ``Saturday Extra``, with quick long-path echo. This is Shepparton at 70 degrees, same as on 9580 at 0800-1400 which inbooms here without an echo. The LP is about 6.8 kilomiles longer than the SP, which makes a delay of .0366 second.

In DXLD 8-098 there was a report that 11660 is Brandon along with 9660 and 12080, but I don`t think so. EiBi and Aoki do show Brandon on 11660 at this hour, but WRTH 2008 plus A-08 update and PWBR `2008` do not (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** BULGARIA. Spanish on 11800, Sept 12 at 2148, I figured was Habana as usual, but wait --- not // 11750, and doesn`t really sound like RHC programming, as playing Auld Lange Syne! Turns out to be choral music program from R. Bulgaria, Spanish ID in passing, and // 9400 at 2154. Looking at Aoki, both stations are shown on 11800 in Spanish at 2100-2200, Habana aiming 53 degrees toward Spain, and Bulgaria aiming 260 degrees toward Spain. I had really not noticed Bulgaria here before, and Habana`s signal was not especially strong, but now apparently gone, resolving a collision, which must have been bad in Spain. So what is RHC`s new frequency for this transmitter? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** CANADA [and non]. Sept 12 at 2213, found open carrier on 6070 and lite hum; 2228 maybe a trace of modulation and no SAH. I can only assume it was CFRX. Others have reported ELWA until 2300 on 6070 with no QRM from Toronto, so do they deliberately pause? At 2302 the usual fast SAH was evident, i.e. CFRX vs CVC La Voz, Chile. Brian Alexander has measured CFRX on 6069.98, so it`s 20 Hz off, altho the SAH I hear isn`t that fast, so CVC must also be slightly low (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) 

** CUBA. After the big fuss in early August about RHC swapping English and Spanish on 6180 and 6140, so that English to NAm ran 0100-0700 on 6140, I find Spanish back on that frequency at 0609 Sept 12. This is quite strange, since RHC normally does not do any Spanish at all after 0500. This was not a domestic service relay as sometimes heard on the 49m frequencies after 0700, but with an RHC ID, news headlines and 0611 into full newscast. Meanwhile, nothing on 6180 but VOA, and RHC English on two very inferior transmitters, 6000 and worse 6060. A test, mistake, new scheduling, special, or what? RHC seems to be in another schedule-changing mood; see also BULGARIA.

Sept 12 at 2157 found big open carrier on 9820, warming up for the Mesa Redonda show. 2200 began playing electronic instrument excerpt from ``Siboney``, a famous piece of Cuban music. Must be a special interval signal for the M.R. show, rather than theme music, as it was in a loop three or four times before announcement opening the program at 2204. The host somehow managed to interweave two seemingly totally unrelated topix: Los Cinco Héroes, and coping with hurricane damage. Also on weaker // 6000 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** EGYPT. R. Cairo, 11550, Sept 12 at 2130 with timesignal 33 seconds later than WWV, ID, opening news in English by YL, and with good modulation for once! I was expecting it to drop out after the music ceased. Unfortunately, signal was at about equal level to co-channel WEWN in Spanish, so only marginally intelligible, and losing out as minutes ticked by. There are plenty of open frequencies around this area. Why do these two insist on colliding?? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** GREECE [and non]. 7450 with Greek music from Macedonian service, Sept 12 at 2211, marred by constant het on low side of less than 1 kHz. Avlis is the only broadcaster in current schedules on 7450 at any time, so presumably a utility transmitter is getting blasted (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** MEXICO [non]. Altho a few days ago XEPPM was dominating 6185 after *2300, on Sept 12 at 2303 I found R. Nacional Amazônia instead, big signal in Portuguese, totally blocking R. Educación if it was even on the air (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** SAUDI ARABIA. 15435, huge S9+20 signal from BSKSA like a pipeline from Riyadh, Sept 12 at 1709, Arabic talk and string music, 1712 ID, 1720 into reverent speech; some generator whine, but no buzz. 500 kW at 320 degrees toward us altho the nominal target is only Europe (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)

** U S A. WBCQ Area 51 service, 5110, confirmed with WORLD OF RADIO 1425, Friday Sept 12 at 2301. More modulation on USB, but some also audible on LSB side (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###


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