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[HCDX] PNG, Buenas Nuevas, LW
- To: <rlcw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <anker.petersen@xxxxxxx>, <lyamron@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <srbjrswl@xxxxxxxxx>, <hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <cumbredx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <kirk74601@xxxxxxxxx>, "Nicolas Eramo" <neramo@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [HCDX] PNG, Buenas Nuevas, LW
- From: "Dave Valko" <djvalko@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2008 10:59:43 -0400
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PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3385 R. East New Britain 1047 mx w/voice-over tlk by M
w/ment of Mr. Tim ?? at t/in, ment of province, islands, September,
government, etc. Sounded like PSAs or local nx. 1058 ad w/many ments of
#1, then ID by live M. Getting some local QRN over ToH. Bird call IS, then
nat. nx to 1103, followed by provincial nx. NBC ID during nx. Signal only
fair, but improved quickly after 1105. (12 Sept.)
Good LW opening this evening. S.F. = 66, A = 1, K = 0 Had audio on these
freqs: 252, 198, 189, 171, and 162 with the last one being best. There were
2 stns on 252, one with Rock mx probably RTE, and the other was in AR
probably Algeria. Also had signals on MW channels with a little audio on
the lower freqs. (13 Sept.)
PAPUA NEW GUINEA 3334.97 R. East Sepik 1020 tlk by M. 1023 chanting
w/tlk by M including a ment of NBC. Then nothing but nonstop tlk to 1045.
1045 lively island Pop mx. 1048 chimes and bird SFX, then partially copied
pgm promo "?? national radio ?? broadcast Papua New Guinea ?? program ??
islands ?? economic news brought to you.". Then went into more island mx.
Studio W anncr 1055, then more mx. Went over ToH w/mx. Tuned out at 1102.
Signal quality exactly the same throughout. (13 Sept.)
GUATEMALA 4799.78 R. Buenas Nuevas 1102 Ranchera mx at t/in, then pgm and
ID by M. Rel. mx, then M w/ment of programa and San Cristobal. Still
audible at 1140. Equal strength w/co-channel Mexico. CODAR getting worse
by 1140 too. (13 Sept.)
73 Dave
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