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To all mates in my lists
Holiday time this time was superb for the first 3 weeks in between 24/7
and 17/8 being again in Fourka Chalkidiki from every aspect : relaxing ,
swimming , sun bathing , radio listening , and some recreation including
short time expeditions in nearby places.
Once again Fourka can be shown on he map :
the beach can be seen:
aand the country house
But due intra family diseases after 18./8 we were for two weeks tripping
between Thessaloniki and Litohoron nearly every day , so that no time for
making any significant DX or even swimming. both families were under
strong health problems for a total of 4 persons on the bed ..
To adding to this problem , after returning back to work a relatively minimal
but problem in my foot , caused me doing some necessary relax for ca 3-4
The family problems still insist with two persons being in bed in my home (by
I have found some minimal time to prepare this log list here over the past
two weeks . For simplification I did just one pass for typos, leaving some
capitals into lower , and checked several freqs with eibi's and Boe'ls listings .
Sorry for any inconvenience...
System consisted by :
-16 meter horizontal wire
-Lowe HF150
-Degen DE1102
- Creative zen acting as audio MP3 recorder
Her is the listing of the logs made for the first 12 days:
? 9815 RL in Kazakh 1405 with news and reports 555555 Liangas 3/8/8
Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
?? 4319 AFN 1938 talk by OM in English reading some chapters in one
sentence headlines . CBS news mentioned on1947 Liangas 11/8/8 Fourka
Chalkidiki Greece
?? 9720 mention farturo artuga and talks about palastras 34333 Liangas
29/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
?? 9880 ARFA? 2304 talks in Tibetan with mentions of Washington , with
nes items presented by OM and YL Very peculiar pronunciation ... Firedrake
under. 43443 Liangas 5/8/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
?? 9980 unIDed , mixed talks in tagalong and English about Rebecca ,
possibly religious program aand mentioning manila . good signal Liangas
4/8/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
??? 9615 family radio 1255 with prg in Indonesian . religious prg ID at 1258
Poor Liangas 28/7/8Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
??? 15515 CVC 0702 `cvc with the music ` 0702 and musical news . fair ,
Liangas 15//8/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
??? 15515 CVC on 0711 with program scribe and nice pop song . a young
lady speaker (ca20?) in English telling `you are listing to skype' and asking
listeners to email to cvc . was that time looking for RA Liangas 29/7/8
Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
[?? ]5655 Sauti Linjila 1830 with several IDS at start of the program followed
by ringed play .At 1834 with traditional style folk song 54444 Liangas 12//8/8
Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
[Congo] 11890 Okapi 1613 with news in French 425x2 followed by Okapi in
each report ,IS of the station , Khz Okapi ajuter vision , om about congo
music and mention on kolosoy ,with QRM from 11895 ?? in farsi Heard also
on 31/7 with signal 45444 on 1655 Liangas 29/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
[Cuba ]9515 r republica 2328 with very big IS 435434 Liangas 5/8/8 Fourka
Chalkidiki Greece
[Cuba] 9515 R Republika 2201 with news on cuba human rights depositos
albinos social reports cancun Nicaragua Colombia 34533 Liangas 31/7/8
Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
[eretria] 7175 ya keren kandil eretria on 1600 various talks on 1545 , at 1550
with hilifes 1600 with ID Liangas 4/8/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
[Etiopia ] V of Oromo 1738 with om with many mentions t oromo . mixed eth
plays , ID `ye oromo ." by YL follwed by talks from OM 54544 Liangas
29/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
[Korea ] 6518 and 6600 V of people , om with talks in Korean. 6600 is clear
while 6518 has jammer on 6620 Liangas 29/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
[Korea] 11640 V of free radio in Koran light music mixed with talks by Om in
Korean . About Russia and Romania prg closed with a song . tw high
pitched tones produced by carrier . Poor. Liangas 28/7/8Fourka Chalkidiki
[korea] 99900 v of Korea 1535 with programming in Arabic , theme about
Japan.45434 Liangas 3/8/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
[korea] furusato ebon 1707 strongly QRMed by possibly fast pulse carrier
Liangas 28/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
[Somalia ]13685 IRIN 0835 in talks by YL in a local language Poor Liangas
5/8/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
[Sudan] 9590 Sudan radio service 1705 with talks in moro , per DXW info.
Best reception using narrowband> mentions of WST dolaro sedan rs de ,
1720 sems as reading a document , or possibly a speech . An ID on 1530
with prg in English . I have made weekly monitoring and kept a series of
daliy recordings for the various local languages Liangas 29/7/8 Fourka
Chalkidiki Greece
[Zimbabwe] 4880 SWR radio Africa with interview , talks but zwe 33423
Liangas 1/8/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
13630 NHK R Japan 14523 lessons of Japanese into English prg .local
signal Liangas 28/7/8Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Abkhazia 9494.8 C+LSB Abkhaz radio 0747 with classic music , operas with
short voice ins as descriptions , before the music item At 0800 with news
signal 14431 Liangas 5/8/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
ABKHAZIA 9495 Abkhaz radio 1447 with classical music . Tuned in again on
1454 but signed off Liangas 28/7/8Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Angola 4950 rn Angola 2039 with talks about the government and culture
on 2042 , played by a background music 22332 Liangas 29/7/8 Fourka
Chalkidiki Greece
Angola 4950 RN Angola 1937 talks by YL , advert , back to talks , with
phone ins . talks by OM on 1950with ens and reports 22332 .Also 2133 with
adverts then hilife songs on 2034 . nice LA song on 2147 then advert on 48
then songs 34343 (all on NB = narrowband ) Liangas 4/8/8 Fourka
Chalkidiki Greece
Argentina 15345 RAE in german = poor Liangas 31/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki
Argentina 15345 rae Argentina IS on 2055 with musical background in
various languages . srtart of program in German on 21+ on 15345 an 9690
(QRM france ) and mentioning email as raedeutsch@xxxxxxxxx using the
ITA alphabet , then abot the weather Liangas 29/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki
AUSTRALIA 9710 RA on0715 with news and discussions ID at 0725 .Poor .
no signal on 0735 Liangas 28/7/8Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Australia 11840 2215 discussions about politics , Australia usa Liangas
31/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Australia 15240 2214 with marginal signal Liangas 31/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki
Australia 17820 CVC in Indonesian with a pop song , then talks by YL and
references to a wonder woman 24132 with strong pulse and machine QRN
Liangas 29/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Australia 4835 again heard with marginal signal Liangas 31/7/8 Fourka
Chalkidiki Greece
Australia 4835 vl8t 2048 marginal signal om with talks in englih Liangas
29/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
AUSTRALIA 9590 RA? 1344 with talks by OM in a marginal at best signal ,
on 134x At 1458 is //9475 Liangas 28/7/8Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
BAHRAIN 9745 R Bahrain 0826 with Arabic songs .many fadeouts to the
signal . Poor at maximum . 500 HZ carrier . Zero signal on 0828 at 1124
listenable with Arabic version of `la view en rose' Liangas 28/7/8Fourka
Chalkidiki Greece
BLR 6010 (poor signal )and 6040 (fair ) Byeloriuskoye radio 1335 , pop
song on 1337 talks in Russian with YL mentioning BLR . talks insisting on a
bulo then 1407 about cars . temperatures on 1410 Liangas 28/7/8Fourka
Chalkidiki Greece
Brazil 11780 R N Amazonas a pop lite song about terrorism . Something as
ID on 2109 `es parte una programs qua satera ` amazonas referring zing
brazil. A mariachi song on 2114 clear ID on 2117 Esta e RN Amazonas
Liangas 29/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Brazil 11815 RBC 2012 man presenting singer , 2014 a song mentioning
Brazil . Some advertising . ID on 2018 and a song on 2020 . fair signal in
between powerhouses Liangas 29/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Brazil 4985 RBC 2220 with talks by OM /YK mentioning brazil 24332
Liangas 6/8/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Brazil 5980 Guaruja 2149 adverts in pp marginal Liangas 31/7/8 Fourka
Chalkidiki Greece
Brazil 9550 Boa ventade 2206 marginal Liangas 31/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki
Brazil 9565 Tupi , nbews reports 23332 Liangas 31/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki
Brazil 9630 Aparecida 2222 OM in BR-PP 2224 with a song , small ref to
Portugal follwed by song Brzil dos estudo , 2231 talks by OM referring to
both brazil and Portugal 2254 with songs 24433 Liangas 5/8/8 Fourka
Chalkidiki Greece
Burkina 7230 radio Burkina 1206 with song daddy cool , various tribal
songs heard on 1210 + with OM mentioning Burkina on 1218 with songs
over the 7 minutes At 1130 XJPBS started QRMing the station . but Burkina
was better bak on 1405 with hilife songs . Fair Liangas 29/7/8 Fourka
Chalkidiki Greece
CHAD 4905 was back ? 1904 with nice hilife songs and OM talking in FF
mostly calling some women Liangas Fourka 27.7.8
Chad 6165 RN chad 1239 with hilife songs and OM talking hotly .
mentioning Jamena and other cities. At 1331 speaker ided as Chad Good
signa on 1332 about projects and dambako on applications addressed to
njamena , federation , minister of petrol and , distribution and uliplen Fair
signal with some zero level fadeouts Liangas 29/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki
China 11975 XJPBS 1118 with trad songs and in-between descriptions
QRM 11950 V oT and FDM like digital stream and a pulse type stream
Liangas 29/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
China 15390 CNR 0700 Beijing time is 1500!!!! Liangas 15//8/8 Fourka
Chalkidiki Greece
China 6050 cnr 1510 with om with talks and sporadic background music
.bassy audio 44534 Liangas 3/8/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
China 6080 2200 with Chinese talks . Looked novas de paz Liangas 31/7/8
Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
China 6155 ?? 2154 with cc pop songs 33433 Liangas 31/7/8 Fourka
Chalkidiki Greece
China 6155 CBR 2200 with ID as china business radio and YL again with ID
over nice background music 23333 Liangas 5/8/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
China 6175 21546 talks in cc 2xxx2 , wiped out by ?? in 57 Liangas 31/7/8
Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
China 7230 cnr? 1637 clock on 1638 . Beijing , ads , discussion between to
YL and on 42 with talks and background music 33443 Liangas 4/8/8 Fourka
Chalkidiki Greece
CHINA 9740 Xizhuan PBS 0812 with adverts on 1113 OM with news in
details 34333 told by YL >Poor at 1215 but good on 1630 Liangas
28/7/8Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
China 9830 CNR? 2211 with news 13232 Liangas 31/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki
Cland 7390 Little Saigon R 1500 cant be heard due to Byelorussian Radio in
theis freq Liangas 28/7/8Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Croatia 6165 v of Croatia 1520 with old semi folk songs . 1527 with acapella
song . sporadic co channel QRM and selective fading malfunction the HIfi
listening Liangas 3/8/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Croatia 9830 hrvacke radio 1340 with advert (gorenje ) or possibly program
sponsored by theis company 55555 Liangas 3/8/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Cuba 11760 RHC 2126 with nice latin music , at 2128 with id in French.2134
with news , televised of fidel castro , national maquereal , strategy , Batista
Vietnam and Kampuchea . 44434 Liangas 29/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
CUBA 12000 RHC 1109 with news in Spanish and many mentions on Cuba
and then OM speaking on violence . At 1119 with the best signal Liangas
28/7/8Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Cuba? 9490 on 1007 many mentions on Cuba , travajadores , a guitar lead
song , Juan carlos Jerera mentioned on 1054 Liangas 29/7/8 Fourka
Chalkidiki Greece
Djibuti 4780 R djibuti 1820 talks seem aAR 35344 Liangas 11/8/8 Fourka
Chalkidiki Greece
EQ GUINEA 5005 R N Bata1933 with hilife songs poor - only day? Liangas
16//8/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Eq guinea 6250 1944 with OM with talks in VN ,mention of Malabo , nico
bene m jonmal donkon , mixed with some Spanish words , speaking about
government . Hilife on the TOH 2000 and sudden s off Liangas 29/7/8
Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
EQ GUINEA 6250 R Malabo 1940 with hilife songs . talks bhy OM in VN ,
sporadic names in reference , telecoms . ON 2000 with hilie sings , ID at
2000 in Spanish but with low audio ,sudden s/off on 2002 . afst and deep
fades Liangas Fourka 27.7.8
Eqaudor 15295 HCJB 1951 typica Andean music mostly with Spanish lyrics
, mentions of cautunia and Quito equador s/off 2100 Liangas 5/8/8 Fourka
Chalkidiki Greece
Equador 12000 hcjb quito 2118 with prg n Spanish . mentioning about
apocalypses 41 and St john and more religious talks 33433 Liangas 29/7/8
Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Eritrea 5100 r Bana 1543 with talks by om in Amharic , good signal poor
audio nothing same time on 8000 ON 1636 with songs Liangas
28/7/8Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Eritrea 8000.0 is now back 1644 with good signal not // to 5100 ,5950 , 5990
Liangas 12//8/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Ethiopia 5100 radio bana 1650 with hilife song again with usual low
modulation . 45443 with talk by OM in Amharic on 1657 Liangas 31/7/8
Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Ethiopia 7110 r Ethiopia 1507 talks about Bill Clinton in Amharic? HOA
songs on 1525.34 IDed as `renk radio' . Found being //5990 Liangas 29/7/8
Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Ethiopia 9560 r Ethiopia 0705 in Amharic , many mentions on Africa , Horn
of Africa style songs . signal on 0707 43544 Liangas 3/8/8 Fourka Chalkidiki
Ethiopia 9704 best on 9702 or with LSB on 0915+ with news > mention on
Somali , Addis Abeba Alex dahlona with electronic music background
Liangas 28/7/8Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
GABON 9580 R Africa NO1 , 1110 with talks in French about reform and
presidents at 1230 with hilife songs then with song boys boys . At1230 with
good signals QRMing :Medi on 9575 335-3 Liangas 28/7/8Fourka
Chalkidiki Greece
Gabon 9580 africa no1 1319 with hilife songs , 1320 wirt talks in French
1330 songs Liangas 31/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
India 13645 AIR with program intai with //17740 and 15410 followed by Hindi
songs till 59 Liangas 1/8/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
India 15770 AIR 1233 with Hindi Tamil songs . prg in tellugu Liangas 1/8/8
Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
India 4895 AIR 1600 with prg sinal call with talks in Eng . At 1600 talks by
OM in Hindi mentioning minorities , 34x33 anoter OM with poetic tyle talks
Liangas 28/7/8Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
India 4940 AIR 1649 with religious/trad hidi songs ,quite bassy audio 34433
Liangas 1/8/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
India 5015 talks in English "6744." a presume tel number At 1644 with a pop
song , dedication <GOS ,16458 with a rock song , 32432 distorted an
relatively low audio Liangas 28/7/8Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Indian 4950 1727 Srinagar with old bolly songs 44333 Liangas 29/7/8
Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Korea 6400 Ptyongyang pangsong 1649 with operas 34333 Liangas 29/7/8
Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Korea? 11677 Pyongyang? 2022 OM in N Korean accent and intense
wording! Poor Liangas 31/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Kuwait ? 7250 r Kuwait Arabic song on 0854010 , imam preaching 0858
with Arabic music . nothing on 0900 though carrier exist Liangas 5/8/8
Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Libya 21695 (marginal )and 17725 (good ) V of Africa in English theme
savannas etc sahara , thanking god for this and about revolution . ID and
theme on Mauritius. Liangas 29/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Lithuania 9710 R Vilnius 0816 with talks in LIth 35433 . English prg on 0845
Liangas 28/7/8Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Malagasy 5010 Antananarivo C+USB 1945 with old French pop songs
Liangas 4/8/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Malaysia 15295 VoM 0654 with pop song marginal signal Liangas 29/7/8
Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
MALI 7284,6 RTV malienee 1533 , OM with talks in French and VN with
mentions of Bamakó . fair with carrier Liangas 28/7/8Fourka Chalkidiki
Mali 9635 Maliene 1334 Omwith talks in French , part of equinox with YL
talking over a hilife song At 1338 with talk in VN thart ismixed with Arabic
words YL then spoke too fast Also possibly 7285 in 1419 with above
marginal signal Liangas 29/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Mali 9635 radio maliene 0942 with hilife songs ,talks by 2 x OM in VN
(African intonation ) A hilife song on 0946 Liangas 29/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki
Mali? 5995 2150 talks in french and VN poor Liangas 31/7/8 Fourka
Chalkidiki Greece
Maynmar? 9730 bamar radio? 2300 in a lao /tai version o an old ballad ,
talks in bamar Liangas 3/8/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Mongolia 12080 r Mongolia 0805 talks in cc , musical background Liangas
4/8/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Mongolia 4895 Mongolia 2242 with music 33233 and 4830 poor Liangas
3/8/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
New Zealand 15720 RNZI 2100 unsure if it is , but the was a marginal
signal with talks in 2103 byYL a report on 2105 and can assume English
language At 2112 with news and signal is 15221 with preamplifier Liangas
31/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
New Zealand 9615 rnzi at 0610 ,talks about a chemical factory on 0632
.many discussion son 0645 35232 Liangas 29/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki
Nigeria 4770 Kaduna 1452 with talks by YL in English , possibly news 35232
- best signal for the tiem on that band- Liangas 3/8/8 Fourka Chalkidiki
Nigeria 9690 R Nigeria 0803+ tals by OM and YL in Hausa . Many mentions
of R Nigeria mixed with Xinjiang on 1125 Liangas 28/7/8Fourka Chalkidiki
Nirgeia 4770 r Nigeria kaduna 2058 ID this is service of radio Kaduna
205820 with a hip hop song . at 2009 with new and reports 2031 your mail
will come in a moment , use of computer " 2043 with a song Liangas 31/7/8
Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Pakistan 15100 radio Pakistan 1014 with hindi song , and short talks in
between good 1110 with Pakistan wunderbar (the national hymn ) Liangas
30/7/8 Liangas 29/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Pakistan 7530 radio Pakistan 1708 with Hindi songs of 60-70 . good signal
with dull audio . Liangas 31/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Philipines 12095 Febc talks in tai/lao on 1153 with religious prg , tai song on
1157 and another lang on 1200 . 25332 QRN from a pulsing system Liangas
29/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Philipines 9590 VOA 1530 with ID mixed with R Australia 32432 Liangas
29/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Pirate 3910 ".ro' 225 OM with talks in English 241x2 Liangas 3/8/8 Fourka
Chalkidiki Greece
Pirate 6220 r 1508 with old disco songs 44544 ON 1847 with poor signal .
Good again on 1950 with me and my wife dancing ! Liangas 3/8/8 Fourka
Chalkidiki Greece
Pirate 6220 mystery radio 1916 with hot discos songs OM on 1966 with ID ,
55545 with good audio , worth of hearing Liangas Fourka 27.7.8
Pirate 6311 R malaise 1846 at44333 with songs pop 80s Liangas Fourka
Pirate 6400 European m radio , 1842 with rock songs 24232 Liangas
Fourka 27.7.8
Pirate 6400 SWR? 2249 with rock songs (poor) Liangas 3/8/8 Fourka
Chalkidiki Greece
Pirate NL 6310 dutch German pirate 2023 with pop songs Liangas 31/7/8
Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Poland 9525 radio Poland 1219 with reading listeners DX reports and letters
, 1253 wirth address again 1255 with IS and address . 45x43 Liangas 31/7/8
Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Romania 9655 R Romania Intl in eng on 1224 program radio pictures
Liangas 28/7/8Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Russia 1431 1614 with Arabic sx good signal Liangas 28/7/8Fourka
Chalkidiki Greece
S AFICA 15255 Ch Africa 0656 African news , sudden s off Liangas 15//8/8
Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
S Africa 3345 channel Africa 2154 mentions to Abigail kubeka id as `you
are listening to channel Africa` followed by a pop hilife song then an ID
`the m voice of African `and sudden signoff 55544 Liangas 29/7/8 Fourka
Chalkidiki Greece
S AFRICA 9625 possibly R Africa in Nyanja on 1245 , talks between women
,mentions on Zambia Lusaka etc Drum music on 1259 and then
(unlistenable ) ID . Poor to fair Liangas 28/7/8Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
S Arabia 11785 SABC 1456 OM with ID followed Arabic verses 1500*
Liangas 29/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
S'pore 7235 Warna 1357 with news by YL in Malaysian . IDng as RSI then
with Warna at 1400 Poor song `sayangi aku' (her wedding song) from Siti
Nurhaliza Fair that time 9730 CNR on 14+ instead of Mnyanma R but very
poor Liangas 28/7/8Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
SIERA LEONE 9525 CTN @0750 YL about design African and Siera Leone
, ID at 0800 Liangas 28/7/8Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Spore : Warna on 30 is very poor Liangas 29/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Sudan 7200 Sudan RTVC 0828 with HOA songs stopped abruptly by YL the
talks by OM with discussions /interview by YL and oM Phone ins on 0840 At
0900 with low audio Liangas 5/8/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Swaziland ? 9500 TWR Africa with religious prg in English 25434 , about
human relationships Liangas 3/8/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Taiwan 6240 wyfr 1456 id by YL as china radio also verbatim spelled , piano
music background ID on 1500 anf backto talks by YL 24332 Liangas 3/8/8
Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Taiwan 9745 V of han 2235 nice piano play .YL with Han .ping and
mentioning fanlunging 2301 with music style Cleyderman , talks in Amoy.
Fair . Underneath HCJB with folk songs Liangas 5/8/8 Fourka Chalkidiki
Tajikistan? 4965 //4975 VoR on 1552 with jazz piano music >buth fair but
QRM ed Liangas 28/7/8Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Tatarstan 11925 V o Tatarstan 0848 YL with traditional song and flute `Tatar
.nda' talks by OM and YL `aitil sahastaenda ` This all comes from a livep
public performance , presenting artists . Heard together with my wife
!Slightly overloaded 43434 Liangas 28/7/8Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Tibet 4820 xizang pbs /AIR 1601 mixed stations 43xx3 Liangas
28/7/8Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
UAE 15390 and 12070 S Sudan interactive with different programs or long
time difference . 12070 about repartition , 390 abut breakfast , zebra
gazette, patriotic and malaria on 1326 . Both good Liangas 28/7/8Fourka
Chalkidiki Greece
UAE 11675 Solh 1130 following a lengthy talk ,1139 with a disco Hindi
song. Poor signal or low modulation ,1136b a lengthy talk by OM In farsi.
QRM 11665 firedrake and 11670 DREM , x2332 Also 17700 on 1219 with
the usual afghan songs and signal 55544 Liangas 28/7/8Fourka Chalkidiki
UAE 13685 IRIN in Somali language on 0830 . poor signal 243x2 Liangas
28/7/8Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
UAE? 15650 Miraya FM 1504 with prg and news in English . About election
on 2009 , Sudan movement , ID web address 1507 Liangas 28/7/8Fourka
Chalkidiki Greece
UKR 11550 r Ukraine `1137 about consumer society ID on 1137 academic
degrees and higher education themes 44434 Liangas 29/7/8 Fourka
Chalkidiki Greece
Usa 9330 WBCQ in usb only talks about a museum on 2143 Liangas 31/7/8
Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Xinjiang 11885 on 0659 with traditional songs ID "Merkz helk stankz":
follwed by musical IS and clock new ID and then folk song 24332 Liangas
29/7/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Yemen 6135 radio Yemen 1418 with semitrad Arabic song ` nafahatum
amania' with mention on Palestine then with OM with intense talks , rituals ?
and closed the program with `al jais .aida' hymn at 1429 song on 1434 ID
bvy YL silently ! then song 45444 Liangas 3/8/8 Fourka Chalkidiki Greece
Please read my aricle on SINPO at http://tinyurl.com/yt7qjd
http://zliangas.blogspot.com (radio tech , gadgets, grk ethics)
http://zlgr.stumbleupon.com (my social 'bookmarks' )
http://zlgr.multiply.com (radio monitoring site plus audio clips ) MAIN SITE
http://www.youtube.com/zach0gr some videos
http://www.worldisround.com/articles/302315/ (Litohoro) 321199/Tinos
http://www.flickr.com/photos/zachgr pictures upload
Zacharias Liangas , Thessaloniki Greece
greekdx @ otenet dot gr ---
Pesawat penerima: ICOM R75 , Lowe HF150 , Degen 1102,1103,108,
Tecsun PL200/550, Chibo c300/c979, Yupi 7000
Antenna: 16m hor, 2x16 m V invert, 1m australian loop
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