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[HCDX] Glenn Hauser logs October 3-4, 2008
** CUBA. RHC, 13680, Oct 3 at 2106 in English, quite muffled audio, and running about two words ahead of // 11760 which had good audio. My theory now is that this 13680 broadcast is via one of the decrepit transmitters mostly used for CRI relays with similar-sounding crummy modulation. Why not? It so happens there are no CRI relays via Habana during this period, 2030-2130.
Meanwhile RHC Spanish at 2107, much better on 13760 // 11750 and // 11800 with SAH and audio mixing from R. Bulgaria Spanish (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ECUADOR. 3220, music and unID language, fair signal Oct 4 at 0120, so I first thought of Africa, but must be only HCJB in Quechua, supposedly NVIS. BTW, the 90-degree ``azimuth`` shown in Aoki means straight up, not due east! WWCR does not open 3215 until 0200 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** EQUATORIAL GUINEA [and non]. R. Africa, 15190, Oct 3 at 2153 with big carrier, fair modulation level, sounds like Tony Alámo conversing with someone. 2159 WYFR sign-on in Portuguese. Any R. Africa ID at 2200? Of course not! Roughly equal level at the moment and virtually zero-beat so couldn`t really tell how much of the big carrier came from Bata and how much from Okeechobee (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** HONDURAS. R. Luz y Vida, 3250.0, Oct 4 at 0121, announcer in Spanish with birthday greetings to someone in Guatemala. I see this station is missing from Aoki listings, tho quite regularly reported. EiBi has it (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** IRELAND [non]. RTE, via WRN via WRMI, 9955, Oct 3 at 2110, Irish accent talking about the EU, good S9+15 signal and no jamming! For one minute. Then at 2111 pulse jamming at the rate of 132/minute started, or maybe faded in. RTE still rather readable as WRMI signal peaked and jamming dipped. This broadcast is M-F 2100-2130, and there is another M-F at 1800-1830. At 2130 switched to Romania, q.v. (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** MAURITANIA. R. Mauritanie, 4845, still on at 0118 UT Oct 4 with speech in Arabic, strongest station on band below 5 MHz. Was not listening closely but went off somewhere around 0130; however at 0156 check there was still a carrier on about 4845.2, maybe this (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** PALAU. 9965, Oct 3 at 1249, VT Communications test transmission loop announcement with music, reference to website http://www.vtplc.com/communications At first I thought it was exactly 60 seconds long, but more like 65 as it started over later and later in each minute, until off abruptly at 1300* Was good with some fades. KHBN scheduled before and after this hour on 9965, a.k.a. T8WH.
This station is really a one-of-a-kind hybrid, with two or three callsigns, under both FCC and Palauan administration, relay business both from IBB and VTC and being purchased (or part of it?) by World Harvest Radio (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** ROMANIA [non]. After RTE relay [see IRELAND non], via WRMI 9955, Fri Oct 3, at 2130 switched to R. Romania International, introducing North American broadcast in English on ``11940``. Do they even know they are relayed by WRMI? I figured this was delayed from an earlier transmission so did not check 11940; it is on the schedule for RRI direct at 2030-2100 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A. Checked WINB again Oct 3 to reconfirm scheduling anomalies contradicting own website: at 1235, 9265v with the warbling carrier, Brother Scare instead of Harold Camping on 13570 where there was nothing. At 1300, B.S. continued on 9265 with no ID break.
A different Brother Scare not // 9265 was on WWRB 9385 at 1310; however, he was just barely audible beneath a big hum. Wiggle that patchcord! I then decided that 9385 was running about one minute behind 9265 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. VOA French service, Friday Oct 3 at 2105 on 12035 in the clear and also on 12080 mixing with presumed R. Australia, Brandon in English. At 2114 also found VOA French on 9830 mixing with the incessant RTTY on this frequency which other broadcast stations are smart enough to avoid. At this time 9830 was // 12035 but ahead of it; 9830 and 12080 were almost synchronized. What are the sites?
9830 - São Tomé at 335 degrees
12035 - São Tomé at 20 degrees
12080 - Botswana at 350 degrees
One would have expected 9830 and 12035 to be synchronized, from same site --- unless they are deliberately unsynchronized from same site, to even out power consumption, as is done at other relay sites such as Tinian, Bonaire (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST)
** U S A [and non]. Follow-up to monitoring during the UT Oct 3 Vice Presidential debate: After 0200 I could hear REE/CR 3350 poorly but the other frequencies Spain adds at this hour were not making it.
I should add that as you would expect, AFN was carrying the debate, on 7811 at 0156 check, running a few seconds ahead of C-SPAN.
The two VOA Greenville frequencies 6040 and 9820 did indeed sign off abruptly in the middle of the debate, just before 0200, according to their usual Spe-cial Eng-lish schedule of 0130-0200 only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ###
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