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[HCDX] 3 Oct. Loggings
- To: <rlcw@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <lyamron@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <srbjrswl@xxxxxxxxx>, <hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <cumbredx@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, <kirk74601@xxxxxxxxx>, "Guy Atkins" <dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "Nicolas Eramo" <neramo@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [HCDX] 3 Oct. Loggings
- From: "Dave Valko" <djvalko@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Date: Sat, 4 Oct 2008 08:09:51 -0400
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CANADA 6069.95 CFRB 1718 end of political rpt w/CFRX ID at end, traffic
rpt, ad block w/promo ID "We need to talk. Pick up the phone and call
416-872-1010, toll free 0-800-561-CFRB.now here are the ?? on news-talk
10-10 CFRB" at 1023. Fairly strong but modulation only abt 25%. (3 Oct.)
INDONESIA?? 11785.97 V.O. Indonesia?? Only a weak carrer here, probably
Indonesia at 1725. Carrier on 11784.45 at 1818 check w/just strains of
audio. No chance to get any positive indications its Indonesia. (3 Oct.)
ROMANIA 11735 R. Romania Int. 1729 end of EG pgm on financial news, then
ID "This is R. Romania Int. broadcasting from Bucharest", Jazz mx bridge,
then arts pgm. Good signal w/slight het QRM from 11734.9 (Zanzibar??). (3
ZANZIBAR?? 11734.89 UNID. In the clear w/Romania off at 1815 w/M and W
anncrs, but couldn't determine what lang. (3 Oct.)
ISRAEL 15785.03 Galei Zahal 1734 pgm of local instru. and vcl mx hosted
by M in Hebrew. 1756 canned anmnts including clear ID by W. Mx bridge,
then 1800 fanfare and tone denoting ToH, and apparent nx brief by M. 1802
jingle w/mention of "The sounds.". Fair at best with a lot of fading. 6973
also in but too early. (3 Oct.)
LATVIA 9290 Latvia Today Noted tlk abt monutments at 1032. S9+50 on the
web rx but only a weak carrier on home rx. (4 Oct.)
73 Dave
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