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[HCDX] 6 & 9 MHz tips
Qualche ascolto sui 6 e 9 MHz:
6019,41 4/10 2238 Radio Victoria, Perù, songs & talks, fair
6035 4/10 2350 La Voz del Guaviare, Colombia, nice songs, fair, Bhutan QRM
at 0000
6039,63 4/10 2243 R Clube Paranaense, Curitiba, Brazil, talks, PP, poor
6155,24 5/10 0005 Radio Fides (presumed) Bolivia, poor, stopped at 0009 by
AIR carrier
6185 5/10 0020 Radio Nacional, Brazil, nice songs, id, fair to good
6300 4/10 2300 R.N. Saharui, CLA, Algeria, news in SS, fair
9505 4/10 2326 Radio Record, Brazil, songs, commercials, sport. Good
9515 4/10 2324 Radio Republica, via UK to Cuba, SS, songs & politics, good
9630 4/10 2315 Radio Aparecida, Brazil, social & religious talks, good
9645,29 2319 Radio Bandeirantes, Brazil, talks, fair
9720 4/0 2308 Radio Victoria Peru & Radio Veritas Philippines together, both
Perseus rx & T2FD
Ciao a tutti
Giampiero Bernardini
Milano - Italy
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