[HCDX] Radio Vatican to Africa B08
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[HCDX] Radio Vatican to Africa B08

VATICAN RADIO - GENERAL SCHEDULE November 2008 - March 2009								
UTC	Lan        SAT         MHz	kHz				
02.30	FRENCH	  I2          103.8	7360-O	03.00	
         ENGLISH	  I2          103.8	7360-O	9660-O	
03.30	KISWAHILI	  I2,A3	     103.8	7360-O	9660-O	
03.45	SOMALI - 7 I2,A3	     103.8	7360-O	9660-O	
04.00	AMHARIC,TIGRIGNAA2,I2,A3 103.8	7360-O	9660-O	
04.30	FRENCH	  A2,I2,A3    103.8	7360-P	9660-O	
05.00	ENGLISH	A2,I2,A3	     103.8	7360-P	9660-PQ	11625-OP	
05.30	PORTUGUESE A2,I2,A3    103.8	7360-QR	9660-P	11625-OP	
06.00	FRENCH	A2,I2,A3	     103.8	7360-QR	9660-PQ	11625-P 06.30	ENGLISH	A2,I2,A3	     103.8	7360-QR	9660-PQ	11625-P06.30	MASS IN LATIN A1,I1,E  93.3 - 105	585 - 1530 9645-QR 
07.00	ITAL. FRENCH ENGLISH -W A1,I1,E,A3,93.3-105,585-1530-1611, 9645-QR
09.30	GE'EZ LITURGY - 7H	,A1,A2,I1,I2,A3	93.3-103.8, 15595-N, 17765-NO
11.00	ANGELUS - 7H,A1,A2,I1,I2,E,A3,93.3-105,585-1530-1611,21680-P
13.00	ITALIAN	A1,I1,E,A3    93.3-105	585-1611, 21680-P
16.00	KISWAHILI	 I2	    103.8		11625-O	13765-O	
16.15	SOMALI - 6, I2	    103.8		11625-O	13765-O	
16.30	AMHARIC, TIGRIGNA,I2  103.8		11625-O	13765-O	
17.00	FRENCH	I2	    103.8		11625-O	13765-OP	
17.30	ENGLISH	I2,A3	    103.8		9755-O	11625-OP	13765-P18.00	PORTUGUESE,A2,I2,A3   103.8 	9755-OP	11625-R	13765-P19.00	SPANISH - 6,A2,I2,A3  103.8		9755-PQ	11625-QR	
19.40	ROSARY,A1,A2,I2,E,A3  93.3-103.8-105,585-1530,7365-P,9755-PQ, 11625-QR	
20.00	ENGLISH,A2,I2,A3	   103.8	         7365-P	9755-PQ	11625-QR
20.30	FRENCH,A2,I2,A3	   103.8          7365-P	9755-PQ	11625-QR	

For more details 
Telephone +39 06 6988 4654 
Telefax +39 06 6988 3237 
Email sedoc@xxxxxxxxxxxx
Home Page http://www.radiovaticana.org 
Satellites Hot Bird 8  
Galaxy 25  

UTC = Universal Time Coordinated = GMT. Capital letters following frequencies indicate the radiation direction of the antennas.        Omnidirectional service when capital letters are omitted.W = Weekdays; H = Holy days; 1 = Mon.; 2 = Tue.; 3 = Wed.; 4 = Thu.; 5 = Fri.; 6 = Sat.; 7 = Sun. Programmes broadcast on MW and FM are intended for Rome area.       Frequency 1611kHz is a broadcast in digital modulation DRM). Frequency  13785 kHz marked with an asterisk will be closed on 31st December 2008.(Jaisakthivel, Chennai, India)


For Contact: Jaisakthivel,59,Annai Sathya Nagar,
Visit: www.dxersguide.blogspot.com
Join: www.groups.yahoo.com/group/sarvadesavanoli
Mobile: +91 98413 66086

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