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Re: City Radio, Siofok address?
This is a message from Risto Kotalampi <rko@xxxxxx>
to dx@xxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
"unsubscribe dx" in mail body to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxx
> Hello net:
> has anyone got the address for City Radio in Siofok, Hungary
> on 1602 khz? Street address or e-mail both appreciated.
> Thanks for your help de
Joachim... let me remind that you are using wrong address
to ask this. I am hosting 2 diffent email lists here:
1) dx@xxxxxxxxxx for Finnish DXers, in FINNISH
2) hard-core-dx@xxxxxxxxxx for HCDXers around the world, in ENGLISH
Your question belongs to Hard-Core-DX rather than DX-list and is
indeed very good contribution to HCDX.
So, please join that list and contribute it, rather than this
internal list for Finnish DXers.