Short Wave Relay Service
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Short Wave Relay Service

This is a message from Mauno Ritola <ritola@xxxxxxxxxxx>
to dx@xxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
"unsubscribe dx" in mail body to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxx

Tässä tietoa uudesta italialaisasemasta, jos joku muukin harkitsi sen
raportoimista pistemielessä (varsin rehellinen kannanotto muuten, vrt. San

>Thanks for your enquiry.
>SWRS is NOT connected with IRRS.
>We are a PIRATE station with own programs and serving others pirates on
41, 25 and 19 m.b.; IRRS is an AUTHORIZED station broadcasting from Italy
on 75 and 41 m.b, relaying some pirate and others radio, like United
Nations Radio.
>Please refer to our home page for more information about SWRS and to for infos about IRRS.
>We hope that you can listen to our signal.
>Best regards,
>Steve - SWRS.
>Broadcasting facilities for free radio
>address  : Postfach 220342 - 42373 Wuppertal - Germany
>e-mail   : swrs@xxxxxxx
>home page: