DW via Kyrgyz R
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DW via Kyrgyz R

This is a message from Mauno Ritola <ritola@xxxxxxxxxx>
to dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
"unsubscribe dx" in mail body to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Yritin raportoida KR:ää DW:n ohjelmastakin, mutta verifiointia ei tipu
DW:nkään kautta, koska releointi tapahtuu näköjään ilman lupaa!

73, MR

>Dear Mr. Ritola,
>Thank you very much for your letter and your report.
>Much to our regret  we have to inform you that Radio Kyrgyz is not 
>our Relaystation and they take our programmes whenever they like. 
>Therefore please contact Radio Kyrgyz directly tt receive a QSL-card 
>or a confirming letter.
>Yours faithfully
>Deutsche Welle
>Technical Advisory Service
>Claudia Coppari