SEC email server change
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SEC email server change

This is a message from Ari Kilponen <ark@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
to dx@xxxxxxxxxxxxx list. To unsubscribe the list, send
"unsubscribe dx" in mail body to majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Jos joku haluaa tilata itselleen WWV:n keliennusteet
e-mailina, tässä periaatteet tilaamiselle (korvaa
unsubscribe sanalla subscribe).

73 ARK

>Dear SEC Email List subscriber,
>SEC is moving its Majordomo List Server to another 
>machine. You are subscribed to the SEC Majordomo List:
>     list-name = wwv-list
>No action is required on your part. 
>However, please save this information for future reference.
>   If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing 
>   list, send mail to:       
>                  Majordomo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>   with the following command in the body of the email 
>   message, replacing "list-name" with the name of the 
>   list shown above:
>       unsubscribe list-name
>   If you ever need to contact the owner of the list, 
>   (if you have trouble unsubscribing, or have questions 
>   about the list itself) send email, with the appropriate
>   list-name, to:  
>                  owner-list-name@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
>A summary of SEC current Majordomo Lists is available at
>this Web site: