[DX]: [Fwd: R La Hora in Cusco, Peru]
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[DX]: [Fwd: R La Hora in Cusco, Peru]

Radio La Horan Carlos Gamarra Moscoso haluaisi tietää, ovatko seuraavat
suomalaiskuuntelijat saaneet verifiointinsa:
- Mauno Ritola
- Arto Kivineva (voiko joku seudulla välittää tiedon hänelle, ei liene
mukana postituslistalla)
- Simo Hankkio (sama juttu, onko hänellä emailia?)
- Harry Forsblom (tunteeko kukaan?)

So, please drop him a line... Lisäksi  hän pyysi Jorma Mäntylää
lähettämään raporttinsa uudestaan - siitä oli jäljellä vain kuori.

--- Begin Message ---
Having just visited Cusco, Peru, I would like to convey the regards of
Mr. Carlos Gamarra Moscoso to DXers all around the world. Carlos works
at Radio La Hora and is in charge of verifying reports to the station.
He has done this with utmost sense of dedication and responsibility, and
has kept a detailed log of all reports received and all verifications
sent out.

The management of the station has not cared much for reports before
Carlos took over the job. If you have sent a report to the station in
the past 10 years or so, but have not received a reply, please send a
follow-up to Carlos, preferably with a return postage. A reply is
guaranteed for all correct reports - he does check them. Carlos has just
one wish: please do let him know once you have received the
verification. The mail service is somewhat unreliable, and Carlos is so
worried that some of the QSLs sent by him never reach recipients. So,
all of you who have received a QSL from him, he would really appreciate
a short thank you note.

The Gerente of the station is Edmundo Montesinos G. It wouldn't hurt if
you also told him how much you appreciate the efforts of Carlos Gamarra
Moscoso, whose dedication is indeed unparallelled in all of Peru.
Instead of the station address, Carlos says however that reports reach
him with more certainty, if sent to his home address: Avenida Garcilaso
No. 411, Wanchaq, Cusco. And as he is DXer, I am sure he would enjoy
receiving the same kind of radio memorabilia that all we DXers love to

During the first week of July Radio La Hora is hoping to inaugurate a
new 2-kilowatt shortwave transmitter to replace the present 1-kilowatt
tx. Funding for the new transmitter is however still a problem.

Mika Makelainen

--- End Message ---