[DX] Lokia by JMS
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[DX] Lokia by JMS


Ohessa parin yön loki Långominnesta. Tarkoituksena oli mennä poimimaan Ibsuja taajuudelta 1224 ja RSL-asemia taajuudelta 1350. Ensimmäinen tavoite onnistui yli odotusten, sillä 1224 tuotti peräti kuusi ibsuidiä (vain Lleida jäi kuulematta), mutta toisessa tavoitteessa tuli jälleen kerran vedettyä vesiperä. Kingstown Radio dominoi taajuutta 1350 niin suvereenisti, ettei millään muulla britillä ollut mitään mahdollisuuksia nousta kuuluviin sen alta. Kingstownin pystyi idaamaan joka tunti ympäri vuorokauden: aamulla, päivällä, iltapäivällä, illalla, alkuyöstä, keskiyöstä ja aamuyöstä! Voi vattien vatti!



LÅ 222 LOG


QTH: Långominne near Vaasa, 1000 meter antennas to 285, 255 and 235 degrees.


945 27.12. 1800 M'Toulouse, Toulouse. JMS

1332 27.12. 1000 R 192, Lopik. Very, very strong! 'Radio 192 (een-neehen-tvee) Nieuws' on the hour, then many commercials and back to good music. JMS


765 28.12. 1000 BBC Essex but no local split programme (between Essex North and Essex South) at this time. JMS

1332 27.12. 0932 BBC Wiltshire Sound, but unfortunately //1368, so not local morning split programme here either. JMS

1485 27.12. 0717 BBC R Merseyside, Liverpool. Humberside gave some space for this for a couple of minutes. JMS

1557 28.12. 1000 BBC R Lancashire. JMS


1098 28.12. 1825 RNE5 Lugo. 'Radio Cinco, Todo Noticias, Lugo'. JMS

1134 27.12. 0656 COPE Jerez. Also Salamanca and Astorga were identified during this expedition. JMS

1143 28.12. 1855 COPE Oviedo dominating here. JMS

1224 often often COPE Huelva is absolutely the strongest here after the Dutch station Q1224 left the frequency. Huelva is an easy catch mornings, evenings and nights. Might be the easiest Spanish station nowadays! JMS

1224 often often Herri Irratia, San Sebastian. Own programme 24 hours a day. JMS

1224 28.12. 0728 COPE Lugo. Uses a slightly different form in identifications: 'Estas escuchando la Cadena COPE en la provincia de Lugo'. JMS

1224 28.12. 2259 COPE Mallorca. JMS

1224 27.12. 1855 COPE Albacete. 'COPE Albacete en el 1224 de onda media'. Was heard the next day at this very same time, too. JMS

1224 27.12. 0650 COPE Almeria. 'COPE Almeria en el 1224 de onda media'. Third time heard in Finland (previous times both in 1992). JMS

1305 26.12. 1955 RNE5 Ciudad Real. Castilla La Mancha regional programme. JMS

1584 27.12. 1825 RadiOlé Costa del Estrecho, Ceuta. Local programme until 1830 UTC, then just RadiOlé network relay. Own identifications as 'RadiOlé Costa del Estrecho en el 1584 de onda media' and many commercials to Marbella. JMS

1602 27.12. 1844 SER Radio Linares dominated the frequency with Radio Vitoria during this expedition. JMS

1602 28.12. 1805 SER R Cartagena. 'En el 1602 de onda media, Radio Cartagena, Cadena SER' & 'Buenas tardes señoras y señores, saludos desde la Cadena SER en Cartagena ...' JMS


1400 29.12. 0224 Antena Dos very strong here with the Harbour Light. JMS

1490 29.12. 0100 Unión Radio news programme. Not the Equador station but the Venezuelan all news network. Which station is broadcasting it here? JMS

1520,06 29.12. 0226 R Minuto, Barranquilla. JMS

3375,1 27.12. 2320 R San Antonio, Callalli. Very strong every night! Thanks PUL for the hint! JMS

4751.88 28.12. 2342 tent. R Huanta 2000, Huanta. No identification but announcements and commercials in which Huanta was mentioned. JMS

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